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Cyber Diary Of The Alone Orphanage ; etcs.
Most Recent Tweets Atop; Or  Scroll To The Bottom & Read 'The Historical Dailies' Upwards.

Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

_____ . . _____
Wednesday, April 26th, 2023

Cripple Derringer
- Mercury Retrograde Rx -
:  discombobulated; sometimes the world scatters  :

* ________________ *

Magnus Pages
The History Of Was  :
- covering his own ass w. a furry tale of lies -
* _______________ *

- urgent as business, never pleasures -

Tuesday, April 25th, 2023

Stoolie Vestibule
`I've Fingered Him :  #22 Jimmy Assassin
- The Butler Did It -
: Marquette Golden Eagle Goes Off :
For A 3-1 Lead
BookiesHideout.Com Promises :
63% Chance Milwaukee Takes Series


* ____________ *

' Cobble-Pot ' :  Stockroll, Jr.s Jury Rigged Toy Of Childhood
BONDS & STOCKS :  The Brother He Never Had
- window shells bombed by light -
: both gloves dropped :
slacker slut; barely enough energy (for dutiful) to fornicate
'Penny's Mood' :  A Very Short Story No One Will Wish To Read
token goomba; exterior face the only scary
`--just do; don't fetish it!`
'Half A Chance To None'
`The Will Of An Asshole; All His Sphincters Tightly Trim :
Censorious Narwhal/Restrictive Strictures.`
`...when touch is time.`
as Miss Muffet :  `Here, beside chance...wishes choose.`
`--find out the time, this time!`
`--kissing you like you weren't there.`
Never Duet  `...never really forever.'  `Only yesterday.`
`--got a pain in my oblique.`
:  set as open  :
- worry toward - dancing windswept -
/ Lips Quest /
'Acolypte's Vow'  `--sacri-always.`
`--womanhood immortal, beyond your fathoms.`
`...inside my always, no one elses hearth.`
- gentle as a breaking heart - star far to find -
NOD INSTEAD :  A Beloved Doll
Moonlight Feels :  A Sensate
- Confessions UnResolved -
critic  `--soft tofu.`
`Such a sweet Crushable.  Available?  Kinda like if...`
'The Carbuncle Cad :  Crushed Velvet Portmanteau :  The Racist Porter :
Family Quellers :  Squashed Bumps.'
- leery of self-stink; denying the existence of own underarms -
'Bilking Milk!' :  Corporate Taxes/Wealthy Welfare
                                                   --Totally Fine Fesque IV
Initial Thunderstruck Viewing Of Potential Mate :  `--kiss wishing well!`
Whispered Torch Inclinations/Intimations :
`Griddle cool, the lady will improvise.`
gilded feign - faux feign
: the dimensions of the framework open to pro forma :
`--can't survive remember, you made me memory.`
`--kiss  true.`
- 'State Of General' :  minds churning; driving toward always in
four directions; no notions or magic upon horizons -
soon as she saw felt, kiss missed itself; patient as coalescing poem

Megaton Obelisk
- Devil Illusion -
: Mirror Wishing Well :
`--now I know the truth about forever.
You never are, never were.`


Pillage Burn


Mix Romance
* Harry Belafonte *
- Noble Performance :  True Soul -
:  Banned In The South (Deja Vu Now) -
- He & Deborah Kerr Mason-Dixoned / Miscegenation UnDerlined  :

* __________ *

`--something in your realize.`
Into The Noid Void :  Commercial Trappings
- Scattered Costs :  Reparations Of Piecemeal :
Reconstitue Black Business Districts
Killed By Highway Projects & RedLining
- Evacuating The Sudan -
`Scufflage--just the usual diplomatic nudges.`

Mood Rubicon
- Purity Of Address :  Soul Must Live In Own Home -

* _______________ *

- happily nasty; well into instigation -
- Glyph Symetry -
- Things Beyond Matchbook Memory -
- Fate Meringue -
`Scale Proof--Baby Got To Proove!`
- Duplicitous Mime :  Shadoe Echoes -
DeSantis :  `--crept palver.`
scary inches; too close for smoke
looming quit; spirit remiss
* _ *


mute apostrophe; incapable of possessive
(Maldor struck dumb/When Rahme Dies)

* _ *

Sew Buttons


Diamond Steel!
- On As Overtime :  Providing--My Old Man Was A Work Grind.
[Eat A Hammer A Day & Shit Nails--Three Penny At Closing Time/
Home To Wife & Children]



<> `Within The Hallways Of Always...`



`If you were, when...?`


Ariel & Sachem
`Sun loves moon...`
`Stars near.`
Love Duet

                                                                  --The Lost Souls
* ______________ *

`Doo-Dad Uncle, He Never Could Be A Real Father.`
- Girlfriend Advice _ `Don't Marry Him!`
Prime Been :  Now Washed Up Has When
- Old Star/Single Tine -

Monday, April 24th, 2023

Handmaiden Gentlewo,man
Innocent Life Vs. The NonBorne:
Protecting The Sexed
(&) Not The Breathing Sexers.

Thou Shalt Bear--The Fruit Of Your Favour
- Petrie Dish Miracles / Egg & Sperm Kisses

* _____ *

- needle cruel; her barbed tongue delivering
staccatos of semi-colons -
E-Mail Chain :  Exchanging Ow-ies :  Body Nigglings :
Lavendar Sympathies
- baffli(n)g; hidden echoes you couldn't observe -

Marijuana Cigarettes
- Smoke Bakeries :  Cake & Weed -
~ Pie Too ~

Rue a la Mode
- Sugar Coated Honey, Venus Flytrap Lips -

* __________________ *

- UnWashed Gods :  Pagan Vessels -
:  Mortal Free Will - God Wanted It That Way  :
- one of the more Barbie tricks :  Doll Contortions -
: Soph-Whoric :
`New Moon Aries Bookends...Right Over My House.`

Very Valentine
:  Genderless Fractions  :
- Restrictive Ligatures/Opposing Will -
`...don't we have room for all heart types?`
Individual Choice ? Encroachment Kept

* _____________ *

~ The Snake That Could Not Contain Itself ~

Sunday, April 23rd, 2023

- eating fat to fit into her shadow -

* ___________ *

`Dreams themselves for life.`
Shadows dead, nothing moving.
Silence waited too.
* ______________ *

- omens growing into now -
- Typefaced Travesty -
- flat back dining; feeding my beard & collarbone -
`Tell me about yourself--cats, dogs, men, women...
Children--Books Or Movies?`
- more charisma than Barbie's Ken -
Last Man On Point :  Doubling As Lonely Rear Guard :
The Charge Of The Naught Brigade
Pseudo Icabod  `C'mon Bud!  Get my reality going!
Sprout!  Nubby Buttons!`
Non-Sequiteur  `--regear, recalibrate, regurgitate.`

Stone Pavillion
- Locked In The (19) Fifties :  Black & White Camelots -

* ________________ *

`Squealing Straw, Sticks & Shithouse Bricks--All The Little Lemming Pigs
Moulder History Books/Taken In By Petty Tyrant Appeal.`
[Empty Yodel Echoes]
- Indigenous Rights :  Looking For The Indian Burial Ground,
To Lay My Papoose Down.
Squaw's Bastard/Heathen Repository. -
- back puts fort; & forth is afraid to lead -
walk through mood; not yet ready for the start of the game
`Grumpy-Gripe!  Well, Which Are You--Piss Or Moan?!`

Secret Mixes
'My Recipe'
'Peanut Butter Gobbles'

* ____________________ *

- sitting on had -
`Illusion... never quite intself.`

Target Stardust
- Model Of Muse -
Crooki-Linear w. Spiral Wrinkles Of StarPoints Spirochettes :
One Focal Urchin Outreach/Intakes

* ___________ *

- letting my vertigo go:  Getting Horizontal :
[] root cellar squared away []
- covering  the back track ass -
`Words painting pictures, why can't I see you?`
`Puke Interludes--injecting Host poorly MC's.`
fears formed; secrets divulged
spasmotic awkwardness trilling needlessly

Eyelet Nimbus!
- The Symetry Of Karma :  Gyroscope Mandala -


RIP Womb
`Closing eyes that had seen their times.`

* ________ *

shadows enfold themselves/ silhouetttes that enfold
- one time the fate, walking down the all -
but the solitude of shadow love
cruising; out & about as now
`Once upon a lost time...`
-blurred amoral -
time omen tight
- wonderful lioes bordering gosaamer reality -
: dreams for fools who see :
- ghosts parading unwonted memories -

Poison Cradles
`Shitty Litter?  Gussied Up Poop & Alchemical Cat Piss Need Not Be Pretty :
- Let 'em Eat Dried Nuggets Soaked In Tap Water/Lap Powdered Milk -
: Waste EnShrined?  Donate Saved Premiums To The Human Poor :

* ____________________ *

- Shadow Christs :  Imprinted Upon Your Good Book Hieroglyphics -
- soft as marrow; under the bone -
`Breakfast Puffs :  Sugar Coated Words Hijacked From God :
Fibreless Content :  Fishes & Loaves or Lucky Charms?
- shadows believing in themselves -
:  Bookmarker Scenes :  FullFace Memories  :
as archangels dance curl's lip drop off
- fools cry another's eyes :  [Do Not Borrow Trouble/Weakening Empathy -
- under the cold eye of realize -
- patience strays -

April New Moons :  0* 50' March 21st

The bank of yesteday drafting upon tomorrow.
Kid Simpleton :  - ragamuffin's heart w. a scalliways mind -
My Diet :  An Amoeba's Focus :  `Eat! Eat! Eat!...absorb.`
`Guilt?  All Sins Are Original To Your Own Soul.`
- For Reasons Of Was -
`--candy ass seersucker!  Posh ass in tweeds slicing
the lengths of the wind.`

Saturday, April 22nd, 2023

Mink Sleepy
- The Left Half Of Alone -
:  Miss Kissing UnTouched  :

* ____________________ *

warmth forming, in the pooling blood
exhibiting pinned-down normalacy
- up is around, when inside out -
`--nicely ides, coasting our domain.`
Valentine :  `The Woods, Full Of Leafy Coulds...Foliage Full,
Wouldn't You, Branch & Bole With Me?`
- God feinting destiny - high above the scars, starlight -
`Your love good at making shadow ashes.`
- kiss shorn -

Spoken Sky
All Might :  'A Sometimes God'

- `Love erases conditions.`
- kissed as do -
Promise ` soon as forever comes to be.`

- Hearts Take Love Upon Themselves -



Name Me
`--a chicklet's heart, all gum.`

* __________ *

- The Culture Of Smooth -
clear the deck of holidays, it's time for war
- The Cards Of Chalice -
- incinerating fright -
figments in place, her paste boards
little movement; quiet as a noun
- The Cards Of Chalice -
at the first cloud(s); the sun hiding

Crab Snappy
- The Lost West -
:  Longhorn Skulls On Dead Totem Poles  :
- Round Everyway -
: Ghost Dance/Buffalo Mirage :

* _________________ *

- time had strayed from the second hand; third,
fourth & fifth half-life gradients -
: Twelve Hands Of The Clock (One Last/Lost/Time) :
Bucks PG :  Jrue The Cool
- how the city feels, when you're country town -
eyes closed to realize; let the internet frees surfing false hearts
& submitting minds
when time as still long ago, intellect thin as a dime,
my hoom still crescent new
- happy as a scarab amidst royal decomposition -
dead crouches tending life, a taxidermists ruse

Minor Evil
`--size mine!`


Creme Seeds/Cream Linger


Crewcut Passion/Limmerick Spaceship
* Bald Fuzzies *
(Puberty Girls/: Bratz :)
- Nubile Succubus -


Toast :  `--piss & vinegar in your movie popcorn!`
- tame as only a domestic angel could be -
- Picture Diaries :  realities signature of her traces -
- pushmaybe - singlet glimpse -
`--woo amore`.`
(A Thousand Deaths) :  `--from beginning to always, always loved you.`
- star fallen harvest -
:  star fallen to her heart  :
/ angels paired two /
(Excited_ `--just like a muse, when you earn them,
or a kiss when it's real!`
calibrating life
`...I still taste the fate we had.`
`--the witch is white.`
`--in between anything, they're always there.`
- danger waiting it's turn -
'Hairline Wraiths'
susceptible to night, daylights kryptonite
Wary :  `--when something looks like a lump, it's probably cancer.`
[Or Benign Nodule]

Friday, April 21st, 2023

Baby Pie
` long is always.`


Japanese Aircraft Carrier


Rigolette Cotille
`Promises pretend, when you lie to me.`


Hurry Furlough/Bookend Maudlin
- Sunspot Shadows -
?  `--luck is a fact of half.`
`Tears of a dove...eagle talons rule.'
(Serf Carrion)
* _____________ *

chivalry comes true
Popcorn Tyrants :  They Want To Control Your Every Bang
hold untouched  -  paper sinamint
tidy as neat could not be; compulsive obsessive
'Son Of A Spider'
`(I) ...dreamt awakening rainbow.`
'Key Latc Past' :  `...all the times.` || Lost Sedulous/Synapse
`--timid dimwit!` : Deluxe Excoriate
Rumour Rampant :  Soul Behind

Fontish Noh
`Smoke & Tears..Mirror-Mirror, Hazel Eyes & A Bulbous Nose...
The Wicked Witch Is You;
Warlock Crown, Warts & All.`
[] No Oz--Maragaret Hamilton Ashamed Of You. []


- Nope Vote :  A Commonish Man -
: Coast To Coast :
- Menu Ripped -
somnulent valley; dawn roils
`--aftermath sad?  One never can tell.`
- Tonights NBA GAme -
`Brutal Fractions!  MisShots--hitting such a low percent.`
Suntan Can :  A Go-Getter Boy
1/2 Narrator   `...tiny end; small print histories`

 Penny Coppers

* __________ *

Thursday, April 20th, 2023

Radio Barrister


- We Are The Architects Of Our Own Gods -
* _______ *

- false wisdom factoids :  extraneous noise/trivia tidbits -
: Unity :  The Sun Is One With The Moon
- Dust Gnosis -
`Investing Time, Will I Want To Be With You,
You Me?`
- inside-out is not upside right -

Kittens Starlight
`Kissing raindrops before they could dew...`


Spindly Elm


Buck Nightwing
* Gun UnControl *
- lip-synching silence -
:  UnHeard Prayers = Too Many Slain Remembrances  :


Mix Romance
- body sways tame; lovers same -
... snuggly-cozy; coffee kindled ...

* _____ *

 --nip tucked, when nip should've cut.
-- scratchy wanted her turtle.
Ship Of Tools :  Feckless Donors Delusional Pensioning
/ Talk Is A Walk/Ventriloquist Lemming Loaners /
The Emperor's NOSE Clothes :  Every RePub (Except Asa Hutchingson)
Afraid To Little Boy Innocence,
"But Mother, he has no clothes."
- Porn Actor Hush Money--$65,000 Per Shot Nut
(Forbes Spanking Extra?)
- Pinocchio Should Be So Frank -
- Gypsy Lies, Fortunes UnTold -
snuggly-cozy; coffee kindled

Wednesday, April 19th, 2023

Light Breeze
* Quote Rote Notation *
`--magic happens to those who magician.`
- Cherish Font -


* _________________________ *

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Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited
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