Twitter Montages
Cyber Diary Of The Alone Orphanage ; etcs.
Most Recent Tweets Atop; Or  Scroll To The Bottom & Read 'The Historical Dailies' Upwards.

Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

_____ . . _____
Sunday, July 30th, 2023

Wink Marlinda

- The First Forever -


Butterscotch Circle
`# Only HE Can Save US!?`
Hogworts Malfoy -- Slytherin Tongues.
Split Incision--Pansy Parkinson Is But A Penny Parkinglot--
During Recess--Will Do It For Free Or A Copper Guilder!`


Shadow Whispers/Mervoux
- Facebook Indelible -
- Magic Marker Groucho Marx Mustaches Not As Easily Erased
  As The Iron Filings Upon The Magnetic Personality Of
Wooly Willie
- Branded tRump : Afraid Of Losing The Company Of Imaginary Cyber Friends -
- Red Kool Aid Cult -

* _________________ *

- Petco -
`Pets Aren't Just Pets, They're More.`
(So Flys A Corporate Ad)
- Corp Slogo :
- `Just Pets! :  Your Companions, Second Only To Unborn Fetuses In Importance.` -
`Buy Treats!  Pamper The Beasts.`


Curry Favor
`Curry Saves--Gain God's Favor!
Donate To The Reverend Curry Favor--Let HIM Be
Your Heavenly Intermediary;
Him Bee!  Your Representative & Advocate,
At Saint Peter's Golden Gate.
- `Pure Again - Golden Veal - He'll Whitewash Your Soul
--Make You The LambCalf.` -

* _______________ *

- Mystic's Vacation -
- Noon Monday -
A Play   - Kitchen Situations -
- 13th Grade Readers :  A Line Of Fiction -
- Lies Clarified :  A Defensive Autobio -

Saturday, July 29th, 2023

Morgue Tunes
- Focus Living? -
`Ragdoll Tears...So Fitting, So Befitting, Our Pretend Love Hearts.`


Noe Immortal
- Short Story :  Oblivion's Storm -
`Penny Or A Thousand, Pay Whatever...`
Procurement Perforce

* _____________ *

  - TakeBack :  A Self Centered Autobiography -
* __________________ *

Theme :  The Roots Of Fifth Avenue
'Dust & Feathers'

Tricky Pummel
- A Painting :  God's Dice -

* ____________ *

'Disturbing Plieades'
- Blood Discounts :  Beautiful As Men Could Be -
- As Men In Action Were -

Add Egg & Oil
: Changing Time Into Now :  Nonfiction :
- 'Recipes For Focus Living' -
/ 100% Forever - Time In The Mix : SecondHand Everything /
`My Perfume?  Essenced!  Do It!`

                                                          --Add Egg
* _____________ *

- it made us lighter on further journeys -
- gasp attained, naked dismay -
The River Of Upon
- Shadow Dresses -
* _____________ *

Teddy Fibre
Hidden In Cost :  Pocketbook Stays
(The Girdle Bloat)
S. C. Justice Roberts Would Be (The Perfect Minority / Second Banana).
[Fairly Straight Keel/Intrigue Intended:  Latent Innuendo]

* _________________ *

Stoolie Vestibule
- Sports Nexus -
Soon To Come :  Bookies Hideout . Com

* ______________ *

Friday, July 28th, 2023

Rainbo Ponytail
- Candy Warning -
`So tasty, but...don 't swallow Jolly Ranchers 'til they dissolve.`
[Those Square Rhomboids'll Tear Your Throat A New One]
- But Sometimes I Do Anyway; Perhaps I Am Afraid Of Becoming :
- Certified NOrmal -


* ___________ *

`Lonely As Alone, The Only One With Oneself...Not At All.`

Pomp Drama
Baby, The Rain Must Fall : 1964
- Whatever Happened To Baby Jane : 1963 -
- No More Baby Movies For Me--Will Try Something Typecast Lighter -
`Ah, The Ghost & Mr. Chicken : 1965.`


Curry Favor
`With My Prescriptions:  God Cured!
Sins Removed, You Can Too With
My Tithe Subscriptions.`


Nudge Homeward
tRump No
`Baa, baa black sheep...have you any soul?
A Tisket A Tasket
Karmic Hell Your Casket.`

- You Claudius -

`No, sir--NoSir (Empty Shell).`


Infinity Pan
- Desperados Chaos -
: Ringtail Claim :


`That day you gave your God away...`
* ______________ *

- Fast Mortuary : 
Dead As A Loosened Doornail

Retooling Vegetables
- Plowing Flowers : Weed Devotion/Weed Diversity -
/ Inclusive UnNatural /


Wedge Ivory
The Gist Of Chess :  Be The Black Widow Queen...
Mate, Then Eat The White King.`

* _________________ *

- The Mouse's Salute -
:  Pretentious Bloviation :

Target Stardust
- Sun God Chassis The Moon -


Thursday, July 27th, 2023

Composing Rosaries
Millennium's Spell
- A Painting :  'FootShadows' -
- Narcissist's Tears -
- So That Someone Mother's Son Would Ever Emulate...`
Certainly Not A Layayette:  Square, Honor Or Soul.


Fiord Spoon
7/8/1995  Ore Dock & Heritage
`Welcome to Marquette.
Cooler than Duluth,
Still The Queen City Of The North.`

* ____________________ *

Earthe Acropolis
- UnderXcored -
- Once In A Biblical Year ... Now Underscored Normal -
- UnKept Paradise :  UnKempt Earth, Ocean UnEden -
`Pretty Soon :  Gulf Of Mexico Typhoons, Houston Monsoons.`

                                                                --Ear the

Spectrum Patio
`Mirage Mirror :  Sometimes Waylaid, Our Best Perceptions.`

* _____ *

- slyly divulging a human nasty -
- noisy shadows, you couldn't get them out of your head -

Steppingstone Derby
`Hell Sir, You Seem Like A Resolute Man, So I'll Just Cut To
The Skin Of The Matter; Gist Of The Pitch--`


Wind Ornament
- raised on disguise -


Wednesday, July 26th, 2023

Pop Mobster
- One Armed Politics -
Israel & America--Supreme Justice On A Mortal Plane
[] By A Book :  Two Dimensional Love []
:  Sitting Crack  :

- Didcuss -
One Plane Discussion/The Elusive Scrinch


Crustacean Curmudgeon
'Kentucky Refrain'
`We All Get Older.
Eventually Frozen Remains...Tom's Quadrant;
Husks Of Has Beens.`

- `May We & Our World Grow On Gracefully.` -

`May the blessings be...Coral Reefs.`
Fossil Fuel Blues :  Cyclical Fast - False Proof
Desperados Chaos - Hollow Order



Crust Cur
`Frozen Remains?  19 Seconds?  That's not even a nanolife second.
I Was Just Contemplating Twinling Infinites.`

- `EverMore Incumbent :  I Shall Be Holding Down My Next Term.
Will Live On Through My Supereme Court!`

The Kentucky Thief
This Years Faun

Beveled Moments
'Dutch Love'
`No Fair--They Were Playing Like Boys!`
- Losing At The Halves -

|| Blanket Midfield ||

Chilly Winklemeir
 : PBS Entree :
Human Footprint
Ingrained Systems
_ Petri Dish Purities : Grown Meat Virginities -


Tuesday, July 25th, 2023

Animus Flaw
- The Upside Of Proximity -
Won't Close As Now

* ________ *

nick   'Little Dozens'
'Sports Nexus'
a perfume 'Essenced'
short story  'Devil's Essenced'
- Nudist's Clue -
- Visions Of Clue :  How To Be A Psychic Detective -
'Squares & Diamonds' :  Quadruplets
- Devil's Alms'
PSA  `--nowhere nothing.`
Lingo  'Sail Transformer'
`The waiting death of yesterday's gun...`

Sunset Tiers
- Entropy's Sway ... Stabilizing Chaos -

* ____________ *

`Tried & True, As Me & You...Can't We Forever?`
- cauught in a hungry moment, her choices were obtuse -
- The Numb Circumference -
:  Two Flips Heads & Then tails  :
Contexts Completed :  Case Full
- Spider As A Bottle Ghost Guardian -
<> Euphemism :  Annie Oakley's Okey-Dokey
`--back world dirty-faced wretches.`
near enough to evolve
his face flushed purple finch
- & now turned into forever -
- Womb Allude -
/ half-laugh mostly sad /
Funerals/Family :  A Non Business Day
Looking Grace - Benificent Eyes

Noe Immortal
Graduating From Candyland To Boardwalk
- Milton Bradley Monopoly -


Sans Too
- Promises Permission Never Given -


Tether Nightspoon
- Statues Of Tyranny - Their Liberty Freedoms :  A Torch Rearranged _
: Ellis UnIsland :


Monday, July 24th, 2023

Mood Rubican
Composer's Datebook (on NPR)
Leo Arnaud :
1958's Bugler's Dream (Becomes) Olympic Theme



Corner Chips
: White Peers & Black History :
- Chicken & The Egg?  Tabula Rasa--Chickien IS The Egg -
[] Emmet Till's Open Casket []
- Skills Gained : For Public Internment -


* _________________ *

- Breath Intolerance -
`--lay me alongside of God, for Religion is also dead.`
cruel as witness; not a comfor to humans
charming as device

Psychofield Welsh
Washing Souls :  The Laundry List Of God (Via The Holy Spirt)
- Running Past Fast HereAfters -
Never Isn't Ever; It Already Is

* _____________________ *

: fruitless  hearts which could only go away,
and not procreate :
- less than sharing; God would not grow outside of her flowerbox. -

* _ *

Current Guise
TV :  Commander Sofa Paradise : INTREPID Commander Remote :


The UnNamed Bat
`...half past after, it was late in the day.`
[] 80% Of Repubs - Deny Climate []
`The fly on the wall, was your eye.
The ear at the door...hearing no more.`

- UnwWise Monkeys -
/ `Slanted :  Too Many Echoes
... In Heartless Heads.` /

. etc. Ditto .
* _________________ *

Lariat Seraglio
:  The Gospel According To Nothing  :
Never Isn't Ever, It Already Is

* Nothing Gospels *

Just Businessman
- hard as the edge of a credit card -
!  American Thrift :  Soak Peas & Beans;
Nix Cable - Don't Rent To Own  !

                                               (Chamber Of Commerces Czar)

Trent Overcoat
Post Forget :  In A Half Life Instant
January Seventh (7th)

                                                       --Trent Overcoat
                                                          [War Reporter]
- Flag Warfare :  Custer's Seventh Calvary & The Morals Of Wounded Knee -


Rue a la Mode
- Gun Silence -
Prayers UnHeard :  Prey Remains
`The Gist Of Chess...?  The Queen, Black Widow Queen,
After You've Eaten White King.`
[] Mate Noir []


Horrid Little Obligato
- `God Swears!` -
`Naked Danger...The Urgencies Were Becoming More Apparent.`
`Two By None...Noah's Arc Red See'd.`
][ `God Lied...` ][

* ______________ *

- dust upon the rind; long ago eaten -

Morgue Tunes
- Soul Uninhabitable :  Due For Next Incarnation -
: Expedient Death Sentence :  Eye For A Life - Life For An Eye :
- Cretin's Sins or Shankshaw's Redemption -
Kevorkian IT

                                                                     [The Wee Willies Roustabout]

Maiden Webben
'Stink Parades'  Fashion Mags {REPLETE w.} Perfume Inserts


Proper Bosses
- The Third Person We -

* _______________ *

- submerged mirth -
Miss Nomers :  'Harvesting Ides'

Chocolate Marshmallow
- UnValentine / Skullduggery Scars -
`Do Re Me So...No We Two (Not To Be).`

`Sonny-falla-tina...not your teddy bear girl,
no longer patient.`

- Healed Of You -


Lariat Seraglio
||  Vague Dissemblance  ||
`Telling nOd!  Say It Or Shut UP!`

                                                        [Critic @ Large]

Spectrum Patio
`That Day You Gave Your God Away...2016, 2020 & Now Tomorrows.`
- Tissue Issues :  MAGA Charmin/Extra Strong
- Voting tRump -


Rainbo Ponytail
tRump Confessional
`Baa, Baa Blak Sheep, Have You Any Soul?
No Sir
(`Cotton Woven,  In Market Wool`)
`No Sir, No Sir (Empty Shell).`

Stucco Roccoco
- Casino : 1995/1981 to 1971 -
`Warp & Woof, Rapunzel's Pimp...Compound Interest Midas Thread.`


Blue Cat Deville
`--pretend bloviations!`

                                                     --Blue Cat
* __________ *

- Renegede Maid '


Sunday, July 23rd, 2023

Buck Nightwing
- The Spider's Domain :  Soul Cradle To Mortal Grave -

* _______________ *

A Woman's Wants :  Topography's Needs
`Cry couldn't realize, tears might fall,
to tell their tales.`
- face hand me down -
- Shadow Requite -
`What Is Your Current State Of Evolve?`
[Trapped In Evolve]
ReDux Death :  Silver Chord Shorn :  Psychic Assassin
[Mortal Angels Require--Animate Breath]
- Hemlock Mist :  Socrates Kiss -
- Damnation Harvested -
- Lost In Wander -

Silhouette (Alone)
Opening Fate To Chance
- Graceful Ghosts Dressed In Grey -

* ________________ *

The Burning Desire To Lie, She Was A Branded Serial
Exploits Numbered
Silence Fitting Calm - The Comfortable Shroud Of Death Holding Sway
;  eviscerating kiss, malice aforthought
- devising inside - Pretend Heart -
- A Stream Of Resonance ~
`UnTenable :  The Dried Pod Of Forgotten Dreams, What Was I Thinking?`
- Purple Delusions :  The First Person Royal We -
- based sinister -
- Situation Remorse -
- The Left Side Of Chance -
The Unjuicy Dead :  It Had Been Awhile
- In The Pursuit Of Luck :  Scratch & Sniff -
tacky ruin; her smile lost profile
Four Part Winds :  Cardinal Clues
- Breakfasting On Morrows -
- The Lifetime Of Others -

Nib Never Nubbed (Man Flourishes Latent)
[The Point Remained UnSaid]
- Aphorism Blunt :  Parable Abrupt -

* ___________ *

- Semper Class Might -
- many as the any, all the plaudits -
[Ribbon's Share Of FairGround Blues]
- Of Dubious Betrothal -
Browbeaten Neat - Tidily Formed
- In The Latter Part Of God's Haphazzard Reign -
- The Havoc Of Turmoil -

Stone Pavillion
'Dude Better' :  Gigolo Consort
~ smoke tight, entailing your lungs ~


See Nuit
- tending opinions -


Snap Axel
- Up Against Now -
:  Admitting Sins :  Sequel Committing :
- Drawn Androgynous -


Bubbles Overnode
- Square Congress : Their World Too Box -


Spiderweb Terrazzo
- He Has Eight Hearts -

* __________ *

- The Upside Of Proximity :  When The Earth Ocean Falls -
: The Day Of Kevin - It's Like Shopping With A Boy :
`--so kind, you fussy grunnion!`

Skate Pearl
`Liquid Near, Time Likes To Pretend.
You Are Not Made That Way.`


Smoky Eros Quartz
- holding rope in quicksand ? it's not tied anyway -
/ Drugs War You /

* __________________ *

True Lips, Would Not Face Disguise
- The Formality Of Promise -
- Further Schisms -
[] #Court TV []
- LowLife Squabbles :  Busy Bodies  :  TV Judges -
- The Hard Shards Of Sand - TimeHistories -
- Toy Ride :  Buckaroo Grl : The Reigns Of Post -
: National Velvet :
- The Grace Of Pursuit -
- Taftrail's Kiss -
`Drink--Drink Up:  Liquid Confidence!`
'Stock Chalkmark' :  FeatherQuill's Punctuation

Saturday, July 22nd, 2023

Spindly Elm
`Feign Sky.  Lost In The Rhythm Of Why.`
- Constitutional Scholars -


Crosschain Sidewalk/Gro' Mundanies
`Crushing Nightime...Dark As My Cowering Eyes.`


One Eyed Mona Noon
- The Violence Of Destines -
`The One World Apocalypse Ball--Halloween Of 1999:
Ticket Admission; Save Your  Place In The Darkness.`

                                         --One Eyed
* _ *

Cut (Love) Jewel
`Slamming The Door On Before...Tight Game Teams Win;
Nipping The Final Score.`

- Playful Destinies -

`Tonight's Brewers...#10 Sal Frelick Debuts.`


Crimson Timothy
Lacking Foresight - Head Married Sand
:  Today's Gas Prices $  :  Tomorrow's Memoir  :
TypeFace Properties

:/: Menacing Heavy Load :\:

tRump Adherents
- Dumb As A Bumpkin :  Poop Stupid -

Orphan Lady III
- Rigid Fluid -

`Meatless Bones:  They've Sucked The Marrows Out Of Life.`
- MarrowLives? -
* The  Narrow Life :  Flesh Atones *
Correct Adept :  White Collar Lawyer
                                                         --OL III
* ____________ *

- bigger eyes than the moon -
- Wise Lies Pretend -

Such You
- Heartbeat Tales Smoke & Fears -
:  `Guilt & Worry, What The Mirror Might Hold...May Show.`


Gingerbox Jumpseat
- Often Home -

                                                              --Ginger B.

Mars Belayed/Chasing Spaceships

                                                       --Chasing Mars
* _________________ *

surmounting dowdy :  fullback burly; broadly squat
worn of cuff, but his eyes were not seedy

Moonrise Ephemerides
: Dude Better, Dr. - Six Week Heartbeat Champion :
- Stabbed Abdomen - Midwife Klutxz -
- The Patalysis Of Lies -
: Virginal Biblical Proofs :

* __________ *

- The Paralysis Of Lies -
Nightmare UnTamed

Attic Grandma
`Anchor Steam...Evaporated.
- Label ReBranding :
[Modern Knack Out-Crafting]
[Too Beery A Taste]
[] Overly Manly []

* ___________ *

- Sir Include :  `--still got a little randy in you!` -
`It's a fact of piece.`

Dormant Egg
- GodMother Certifies -
`Tender Wrong...Evil Abides In That Babie's Soft Spot.`

                                                            --Dormant Evil


`God Is Good.  So Am I.`

* _____________________ *

`--packaging challenged.`
Another WorkWeek :  `Forty Hours Too More...Banking On Social Security.`

Pincushion Hats
`Clare Loose Bustle?
It Never Could Be Said Of Her,
"Empty Corset...She Did Not Own Her Own Stays."`


Friday, July 21st, 2023

`Shogun--quite a novel.
Wor(l)ds that grow with each reading.`

- I Am Toranaga -



Beehive Postures
* Selfish Hands *
`Patriots All...Tho' Allied To Their Own Stars,
Retrograde Minute Men In An (H)Our World.`

- Less Than Timely :  Missing Second (Helping) Hands -


Infinity Pan
)( Purgatory Limbos )(
()  It's Hot Out There  ()


'Baby Graded'
- Aspiraations - Boy & Girl Dreams -
A.M. & P.M. Orphanage :  UnDepth; An Only Secret
Decades Club Progressing Night ||
Black & Whites Battle
The Alone Orphanage
- Decade Clubhouses -

* ___________ *

--meets & matches, sound & light.`

One Eyed Mona Noon
Pefectest Fable :  How The Sun & Moon Work
- Why Some Bellybuttons Are Higher Than Others -

                                                                    --One Eyed


Corporate Bondage
- `When Fiction Is Said To Fact :  Whose Lips? -
  Faction Fictions Set Typeprint - Texas SxoolbooksS
[] Truth Accredited []
- Paid Producers : Commercial Investments -
][ Fate Controls - Fine Print Footnotes ][

{:} TexasSchoolBooks :  Dewey Decimal = Fiction Histories {:}

                                                  --Corp(se)orate II
                                                         (The Second)


Earth Acropolis
- Sum Summary -


Crustacean Cumudgeon
'It Is MY Court.'
- `Co-Ownership :  Church & State -
But Mostly...It Is MY Court.`
[] Why NOT []
- We Trim The White Bread Crust Away For You -
: tRump :  Charmin Soft Conservatism :
- `Soft Criminals...White Collar Clouds.` -

Demons & Lollipops
- Witches Bargain :  Warlock Roots -
- The Black Cat Is Your Vote -
/ Abacus Tally :  Abra- cadabra Said /
:  #StateRights :  Horned Toenails InGrown :


Spiderweb Terrazzo
Karma Is  :
`God Remembers.`
- Punishment PSA -
The Life Penalty :  Old Slates :  Soul Repeats

                                                 --Abacus Tally
* _________________________ *

Rote Disclaimer || Fine Print   `Some More True Than Others; You Peruse.`
[Characters Alone Responsible For Their Opinions : We Can Not Vouch For Their Individual Souls.]
||  Comprising Everything :  Characters & Content
Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited :
Temporally Original Hashtages Shall Be ReNamed : BookMarks & Reserved
For Chalkboard Graffiti.Com ||
* Previous Twitter Montages