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Cyber Diary Of The Alone Orphanage ; etcs.
Most Recent Tweets Atop; Or  Scroll To The Bottom & Read 'The Historical Dailies' Upwards.

Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

____ . `` . ____
Friday, The End Of May 2019

Pirate Guillotined
Mannequin Smarts


Delia Tie
`Even the sliver of hope remaining?
You sucking hind tit 'til the bitch grows another.`

* __________________ *

`In my painted love, pretending.  Pretending Makeup.`
`Kisses matched!`
vexation   `--flying polliwogs!`
`You're looking, better than dream.`
narr  `--it will be, just another true story.`
narr   `--it all began with never and maybe.`
innocent as yesterdays dream
XII  The Hanged Man    Circles That Obey Two Dimensions

Thursday, May 30th, 2019

. Tweet Tattoo #4200 .
`History.  If you make it, time becomes forever.`

* ___________ *
news used by itself
dialogue ponder   `--that would take some taking.`
femme fatale death line   `Tell me again, yesterdays lies...`
reporter   `Hard copy of fly!`
baseball solace   `--don't feel bad.  Hard as lined, hit it on the lips!`
`--rudimentary passion.`  Snip Snap Synopsis
seduction  `--it's not a question of forever, only now.`

Wednesday, May 29th, 2019

Deep Sea Noun
. Shirking Comparisons .
`Moving from USS Admiral McCain to Bosun t$Rump of the mutinous scow Caine...
punch down bully; snide in a weak way

                                                          --Deep Sea

Jet Bubbles
`--woke up with rainbows in my shoes, potting gold.`

                                                      --Jet Bubbles
* ____________ *
  livid irate coach  `--lost without hair!`
Goodbye Valentine  `Turn you gone, love loose...another man.`
  the middle of niche     .    flirt situation     .     top quality nothing, fabricated
suicide note    can't stand the rest of time
giggle lust  `--filthy kitten clone.`
nipping tuck; finishing     .     cold winter crown, white deadlock
ad    `--it's the latest way to everywhere.`
lyrics   `Looks in a mirror, nothing clear...only reflection.`
1/2 Disclaimer (as an art form)  `--no more than omen, but a pregnant moment.`

Ginger Princess
50's sidewalk     chaste whistles merely admiring


Kittens Starlight
. bustier  (girl to woman) .
`--is it shows?!`

* ____________ *
to old neighbor   `I used to deliver papers for you.`   `--you don't anymore, tho`.`
coach   `--to quit to become, barely tried!`
`God ashamed of Himself (when he made you).`
cloaked in o'erderve     .   review    vapid as tract
pillow habitual     .     blazing flamely     .     a painting   Riddle Ubiquitous
FeatherQuill     `Casual as comma, mutual.`
burned to the test, branded with experience
 ad   `--put your feet on & go!`    |    `--at night the people start to time.`
`--do what, because.`   .   defeated   `--lost, dreams without wings.`
Fort Apache     bugle without breath, saddle soldier    horses taken in mane
empty sin; everything perfect as movie's end

Tuesday, May 28th, 2019

Pinpoint City

Cool Say   `--let what happens go.`

                                                                                 --Pinpoint City


Protean Animus
. Indiana :  Fetal Remains Must Be Buried Or Cremated;
A Victory For Biological Zealots & Undertaker Lobbyists.

(Everything's Alive If You Merely Count Biology.)

[Babies being had...souls slipping in with first breath.]

                                                                     --Protean Animus
* ____ *
junkie  `On my way to mood, don't need loving you.`
`--it's more fun to win when they cry.`
`Here's Radio Barrister w. News, Weather & More!`
Radio  `--pitcher's niche, catchers mitt.`
`Throwing nothing but curves, afraid to fast.  Not a good mix of pitches.
`4th down & blood...4th down & none!  By the edge of tip, it's first down!`
caught in certificate   .   moved around in pending
suicide note :  `Checking out, world's on her own today.`
swaddled in was     .     rumours of played
`--this party needs nipples!`
'Potential Starlet'  `--hatched as managed, still a chick.`
handy as panda's paw     .     the sky crowded with thunder
to models  `--put on your sessions face.`
story      waiting for why, wonderment
realization    little things rarely do
Chucksteak Drive :   making moments fast as they go

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Characters Alone Responsible For Their OpinionsWe Can Not Vouch For Their Souls.
||  Original Hashtags & Characters Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited ||
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