Twitter Montages
Cyber Diary Of The Alone Orphanage ; etcs.
Most Recent Tweets Atop; Or  Scroll To The Bottom & Read 'The Historical Dailies' Upwards.

Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

_____ . . _____
Saturday, The Eleventh Of February

Miss Nomers
`Softening Up God With Venials, Then, My Devilish Opus--THE Mortal Sin!
The Knockout Kill.`


Friday, February 10th, 2023

Twist Presciptions
(Special) Moments Must Signature


Tork Mallarky
'The Fascist Caucus Pledge Of Alligence :
Ourr Kamp :  Stylized Flags/Nebulous Ideals
'Treaded Upon Brains'
- Straight Man OR Woman :  Nein To Bi-Dualism  -

* ______________ *

- persona mean, her surfaces were real -

- crawl space guise -



Twist Prescriptions
- crawl space guise -


Deep Sea Noun
Cartoon :  tRump's Dinghy Tippsies As It Is Yaught-Waked by DeSantis Freedom Flotilla  :
`Fishing In Key West :
The Worm Spurned/Cut Bait... In Mitch's Roman Senate.`




Stands Gravity
`Playing the rain for ricochette...tears must drop,
tears must fall.`


Monk's Talisman
- On My Dark Side Of The Moon -
`From Mortal Sin Deities Flee...God The Refugee.`


RIP Womb
- Reiterating Saint Peter -
`Earmarked Eternal...your scribbles really are but...notations so ephemeral.`
- Even PostHaste
- The Fairy GodMother Could Not Bring A Laudable Autobiography. -
Obituary Rules  :


* __________ *

Chivalry?  Gone. We've Lost The Moon.`
- scars are forever, upon a baby's bottom -

Thursday, February 9th, 2023

Hangshadow Curves
chaos swept, infinities heart

* __________________ *

Elibible To God; Every Manmade Frock, Collar & Vestment
- Concealed Lives -  Black or White Lives, No Colours
Between Miscegenation Rules -
bits of sanity dribbling down his chin
- Adagios Night -
- The Comfortable Dumpling :  A Relaxed Dining Lounge -
- ruthless as a watermelon rind -

Stoolie Vestibule
`Out with It!  Betty.                   
Teasy Cozy--you are being annoying,        
            not mysterious.`



Playground Whiles
- Bad Penny Creepy -
- For A Different Date, You Couldn't Flips Him Over Tiddly Wink -
Polka Dots UnStructured
No Second Date/If You Can Only Escape This First Alive


RIP Womb
- Flat As Deah On Its Back -
Two Thirteens Equals Twenty-Six


Ginger Box Jumpseat
Orphan Lady III
`Evil As The Stork :  In Righteous States!`
Brought To You By The Vigilant Good Kinds Of Amerkia
Plymouth Pure!.`
:  Coda Originalists :
- Open As The Coda...Always Second Verses -


Sonora James
|| Clumpy As Clogs; Her Gait Half Ass  ||
- But You Admired Her Dimples -

* _________________ *

Hashtag Eclipsed By Pound Sign
Money Rules The Worl;d, While You Stock Market & CrapsLotter...
Pissing Away Ambivalence On Insufficient Expertise
. & .
Pygmy Flashing His Legs
Emasculated Blakc Men Selling
* - Ad Man Ruin - *
- Leery As Wound -
Jesus Diagnosed :  His Scars Ever ReOpened

- Religious Wars Began On Madison Avenue -

'Bar It'
: Baked In Move : Staid/Stale Lothario :
- Snakes Molt -
- Blood Founded On Marrow -

Parasol Ending
- Complete As Lisp :  Always That Little Extra Extra.
Second Date; He Doted On Her Words
- Third Date :  Contact Lost, Before He/She Could Wink -


Half-Spring PennyMind ( & More)


Death Breathy
`Kept Close As Wound, You'll Bear My Scars;
For Now, & Tomorrows...In This, &...Incarnations Future.`
- Delivered As Snape Would -

                                                                              --Death Breathy
- In The Hard Thirteen -

Butterscotch Circle
`Adept At Threat, But Can You Score?`
`Fdrom Beginning To End, Every Game Must Be Played.`
`Extra Innings...& beyond.`


* _______________________ *

- Benidict Arnold's Quest -
`The Future Instead...You Chose Death.`
'Reprieve Denied'
piebald knees; but they weren't hairy
- naked of hoisery -

Wednesday, February 8th, 2023

Tortellini Aperitif
KULTUR WAR Ron DeSantis :  The Florida Prude
(White Southern Voodoo w/ An Italian Tint)
- Freedom Caucus Dean / Headmaster Of Repression -
Omerta Talking Silence :  Thy Freedom Shalt nOt Be Personal Choice -


Orphan Lady III

`On The Brink Of Now, Ever A Second Late.`
--Adopt Yourself
- Interior Family -

                                                             --Orphan Lady

Cursive Stance
`The Snake In The Asp...Never Let Devils Second Chance.`

* _______ *

`Skip The Prayers, God Never Bothers To Say Goodnight.`
- `Make Your Own Dawns.` -
: Anxiety Only Stems To This One Life :
- Suits Can -

Hopi Yogi
- Airways Neti Pot Clean -
- Not As Gross As It Seems -
'Yogic Breathing'
: In With The Left - Out With The Right / In With The Right - Out With The Left : "


- A Million Different Gods -
:  Your Own Personal Jesu  :
- Sippy Cup Stasis; Vacant As Her Lisp -
- Kin Of Nodule -
` room for your heart, in my sky.`

Composing Rosaries
  `Mother Sent  Me...And She Was More Magdalene Than Mary.
Mother MUCH More.` -

STAGE DIRECTION :  Midieval Delivers Dispassionate Kill


`<>Pretend Intending, To Do NO Wrong
(Only In Their Secret Diaries)
--<>SheetPillow Admissions
(Dirty Deeds Laid Bare Before The Night)
- The Peace Of Sleep -


- The Fury Of Nice, She Promised To Get Worse -

 Book Velvet
: The WormHole Turns, Upon Bookbinding : Indellible Information :


Tuesday, February Seventh, 2023

Vaquity :  Half-Death Underworlds
- Partial Quantums -

* ________________ *

soon as pride
- safe within sound -
- Free Will, God's indifferent hand -

Looking Toward The Moon
:  Twin Biology :  The Chaos Of Not  I
The Chaos Of Naught  II

--by Leaf Flotitle

Stone Pavillion
`--ooff!  Wunkered.`
- ('That's My Last Brew')
[] - Party Pre End - []

                                  --Stone Pavillion
* ___________________ *

hard gave the shaft too me, tough times  arrive
`--sticks & stones broke my bones, giving up the last ghost of hope.`
An Epitaph

Pulse Fuss
- Fixing Traffic -


Sing Bee
`Worm Spurned~Seduced By Asp.`
:  Beneath The Below  :  Kissing Gone Goodbye  :
The Moral Of The Mary & The Magdalene
- Innocence Eden Paradise -

Monday, February Sixth, 2023

Limmerick Spaceship
`The Eternal Joke?  Whenever Is Never Wrong.`
- Eventual Punch Lines -

* _________________ *

`Life; within the danger zone of the living.`
- The Innocence & The Ignorance -
'State Of The Need'  A Song
`Whispers in my tears, silhouettes of never come true.`
God Plays A Lone Hand
daylight happens, when it's dawn
whispers in my tears, silhouettes of never come true

Sunday, The Fifth Of February, 2023

Sunday Postmark/Pepper Treewind
`White Hat Retail...The Bad Men Never Could Become Good.`
(Cowboys Ate Indians; Public Relations Had Yet To Be Invented)


Poised Wanton
`Sugar Smoke...It's Not Just Once In Awhile.
Every Night & Day With You, Blue Moons Come True.`
- State Of The Need :  A Song -

* ___________ *

daydream screams; nightmares ahead
nickname   'Sleeping Winks'
a misely squinch, the bottom line stamped on his forehead
deceptively soft kisses; never really in love
- will moment ever result? -
- bus caught in car -
'Maximum Penalty'  creepy indignation; what right have you to be absolved
walking topple; her top half even more pear than her bottom
black &white lights...make shadows on dark
'Death Africa Unique'
: 24 Karat - Rated Real :

Ode As Hue
`Even Mystique Entomologists Don't Know :  Do Angels
Have Butterfly Wings?  (Strap On Or Real).`

* _____________________ *

`Adele?  Eeeh!  Needy Screeching....Her Latest Opus But NeoNew.`
- Adept As Mold -
`Bliss Wishes, I Was Stupid As Me, Two Moments Ago
Self Epitaph :  ` has times, &  then they aren't.`
bear burly & badger vicious; yet milksop
Post Mortem    signs of oblivion; neither eye shines
lost in parnthesis, meanings misconstrued
'Self Absorbed...Love Wants More Than Alone.`
anxiosuly wound; kite thread
- The Whole  Purport -
- Susie Homemaker No More -
'Bucking The Corkscrew'
'Tail White Prunes'   a Brand
Simple Guises :  The Shadows Of Common Everyman
- The Whole Purport -
'Prosperous Cayke'  `--let them eat zinc pennies!`
Misheard Or Imagined :  Adverb
promises kept ever unmade
`...your heart echoes hollow as air.`  Divorce
`His Favorite Mortal--God's Pride & Joy!`
digital smoke; keester blown :  Internet Rumors
'Death Plea'  `Lessons already learned; God composing needless
interludes :  Kevorkian Me!`
shadows fast as smoke
her tie-rack heart
- The Bones Of Cantilever -
- A Murder Mystery -

Baby On
`--honey fits, my inner combs.`


Saturday, February 4th, 2023

On Upon
- listening to the wink -


Oasis Stance

* ___________________________ *

- Base Ten Reality ;  Her Digital World -
Hell Meant To Include You--Kitten Vixen; Bad Child Growing Up
Revelling In Her Latest Sins, Mood Decides, Fate Coasts.
Body Dress, Whe Used It To Seduce
desirous of mood
vainly fussy, for such a large man
- together as a tether, rope hog-tied :  Domesticated Pig -
A Multitude Of Non/Enforced Membership On Spam Lists
PreacherSpeake :  `This side of Jesus--as long as your with me.`
- kiss described; there's no feeling -
- ChurchKey Seeds :  A Warden -

Sonora James
`Polka Dots Outdated as Little Lotta :
Solitary Sopranos--Fat Girls Sing Alone.`
(Operatic Indifference; Too Much Meat On The Bones)

* ______________ *

Hearing Ghosts, In The Echoes Of Soul :  Moonshine,  Dementia's Friend
                                          --West Porcheve
`Eleven O'Clock Lucife; Bealzebub @ Midnight's Twelve.`
snow kissed numbers; bunnies wanting to snuggle
stoic hopeful
Whip-O-Will Terms; Fidelity's Clause
- Full Circle Half The Way Round; One Lips Kisses -
pain tamed; nightingales & Quaaludes
- The Ides Of More -
stiff as produce, she was being judged; tentative squeeze
deja true, the fears of future ghosts intrude
last ditch truth, we, me & you; crooked triangle too late to come true

Playground Whiles
`Sticks & Strings Attatched; Sugar Daddy's Puppet Child, His Wooden Sweet.`

* ______________ *

sidestep kiss; complete miss
- Getting My Smoke Back -
Jews Harp Soothing
- Theoretical Gods -
grisly hell
- God's Reasons :  Necessarily Mortal Mysteries -
lost airplanes rearranging the sky

Friday, February 3rd, 2023

Smoky Eros Quartz
secrets told which nobody heard

* _________________ *

encountering God on his way back from hell
- Getting My Smoke Back - / Loose Empties /
mercy counts/counting coup
`Live Yourself...Jesus Won't Die For You.`

Ground Hogs Thursday, 2023

Josef Mohawk
[-] Truth Cornerstones [-]
`Facts Attacking From Alternative Angles;
Nothing Perfectly FourSquare.`
- Next Generations Spawn Of Spin -


Wednesday, February First, 2023

lonely as paperweight


Pique Nickels
- minnow efficient -
- clever as botany -


Spectrum Patio
Supreme Court Follies
- Black Crack/Powdered Cocaine -
soft white crime  (
rainbow tamed; all the colours cream
- White Collar Halos; Lenient Sentencings -

* __________ *

- love facetown - :  Apocalypse Ball Theme
`It's over, dead as yesterday's kiss.`
heatbeat tight as bond/bone
he held on to a surly incogniro
-- Auspice Iteration -
incipient; heart new with every pulse
Echo Shadow  'EchoeShadowe' `...not anyones song.`
- MoonEyes Memory -
deep as reality
`--I could dream you deep.`
General Blues  `Me & You...two wishes, one come true.`
- woken as alone - odd anxious hopeful -
- rising sun alone -
Bathroom Noises :  `Sometimes Interior Plumbing Happenings
Are Not Heavenly.`
On Bone Structure :  `--you skull always holds integrity.`
a deep simplicity buried evereywhere; a bewildered purity
`Saved by always...`
`Tonight's the night that times!`
Optima Tax  `--that commercial man?  Lumpy faced banter.`
Mary Magdalene - God's Valedictorian
chaos swept, infinity's heart

Apples Duewise
`Suspicions Permission...You Make It Easy To Wonder Why.`

* _ *

her face ripe with time; roadmap lines

`--fooled by crass, & you thought he was class.`
- an adjective -    soft tree friend
imminent as time
her smile the shape of latitude; eager to please
- Sunset Deeds -
nature isn't a weather report
close enough to much
- Tinseltown?  Charlie Brown Antithesis, All Tin Tree -
`Only, gets lonely...when you're all alone.`

Curry Favor
Crooked In Common/Assumed Halves Of The Holy Cross
- Curry Favor's $ Sign Nativity -


- MisRemembered Purities -  His Slanted Autobiography

Tuesday, January 31st, 2023

Moonripples & Killdeer


Noe Immortal
`Kissing MakeUp...The Contours Of Love.`
- Model Silhouette -


Turgeon Cry
African Sands
- Turgeon's Horse -

* __________________ *

mouse demure; her pemanaent feature
- shot caught, lead had found its prey -
Death Line
`...not quite full, in my corner of the moon.`
`Custom Tailored Gods; Designed For Any Mortal Belief.`
- Tracing Downtown -
Gumption Assumption : Cocky Moxie!
* _________________________ *

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[Characters Alone Responsible For Their Opinions : We Can Not Vouch For Their Individual Souls.]
||  Comprising Everything : Original Hashtags & Characters & Content
Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited
For Chalkboard Graffiti.Com ||
* Previous Twitter Montages