Twitter Montages
Cyber Diary Of The Alone Orphanage ; etcs.
Most Recent Tweets Atop; Or  Scroll To The Bottom & Read 'The Historical Dailies' Upwards.

Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

_____ . . _____
Sunday, Christmas Eve 2023

Trent Overcoat

`Rebel Confederates...They Don't Really Care
About The Heart
Of The South.

Rarely Know Of Hometown Souls, Front Porch Or Back :
Shadow Grey Patriots, But Freedom Shades.
Allegiance To An Independent God
[] 88 Keys - Piano Immutable ][


Such You
Conundrum :  2024  Mr & Miss Construe   |  Misconstrue
`Who would Frank Capra,  Clarence The Angel or Gregory Peck vote for.?!`
[__] 91 Felonies [__] - Anyone But tRump

                                                                                  (AintSaint - Misconstrue?  Don't Misconstrue)
P.S. : Butt tRump
Buffalo Gals - Now Isn't The Way Freedom Forged Was To Be...

Saturday, December 23rd, 2023

Eggshell Coracle
- Construing Now : Mobile Weld -
Weight Beneath The Skies ~ Tide Seas
`...once again forever
until ever pretends.`

- 888 -

Town Road
oddly relaxed; an affable fastidiousness

* ______________ *

Viable Feasibilitys
From Kiss To Conception To Birth Enforced
The Sacred Fetus Preempting Mothers Breath

The Choice Of Eve :
Midwived : Term Life - Natural Birth : Term Rights
- Mammon Law - Voodo Biology -


Friday, December 22nd, 2023

Blood Martyr
- What Did I Do? -
`--pissed as the rag, my girl after me.`


Parasol Ending
* __________________________ *

The Depths of Shadow Lies

`--until often reappears.`
`...soft as only, love your dearest.
The Grown Up Gods Of The Iron Age :
Did Not Care For, Tomorrows Babies
- kept to one side of might -
- the ghosts of the undead in husky skells -
disabled by life, cue to be recycled
mute as apostrophes which could not hold their possessives

Thursday, December 21st, 2023

Drum Shorts/Staccatto Pants
`Mrs. Mistletow...why can't kiss-mas come every day
of the year?

`Want to marry you.`

* _______________ *

Wednesday, December 20th, 2023

* _________________ *

Corporate Bondage
- Roping The Tax Code -

- The Usual Facets - [#BeefBuffalo] -
The Dismemberment Of Parts
Picket Fence Of Hate :
They Love Me - I Hate Them
The Border :
Abortion :
School Prayer :
The Gerrymandering Of Hearts
Trans Humans Vx. Trans Fats

* _______________ *

- Stray Randoms :  Her Sex Life Was Aperitif & Entree -

Poison Cradles


Sew Buttons
Legacy; Buttons Must Remain On


Spider Blues
- tRump :  inroads w. Blacks -
[When It Comes Down To Ballot Time]
`--just white jive shucking snow peas.`

* ______________ *

`--doin' the liquid sixteen on empty stomachs.`
1970's - Splitting A Jumbo -
`The Misplaced Ghosts Of Yesteryear;
Crowd Into Todays.`
`Trust Despite; She Made Loyalty Seem Eager.`
Accountable Sum :   Korean
The Crest Of Occasions - Celebrations Are Piton Souls.
Cousin Of Wistful; Ineffable As An Adjective
Chaste Blind :  The Willing Virgins
patient sunlight; on the horizon
- Self-Realization :  `--gettingg so old, moleskin cheekbones;
crows feet in my knees.`
- Horrible Mortals -
- Ephemeral Scars -

Killowatts Hurt
`--choking angels with their self-appointed halos!`


Noe Immortal
[Hermoine Thesis / Stolen Poems - She Might Believe]
Muse Are The House Elves Of Artistry

* ______________________ *

Nostrum Roster - 'Pill Caddy'
- A Two-Step Angel -


Tuesday, December 19th, 2023

Terra Box Nouveau


Farm Watermark


Deeds Gun

- Parkland Range :  Bullet Worthy Targets -
Gun Freedoms :  All Rights Bear Arms


Goshawk Roe/Goshawk Bold

- Walking Songs :  Once Upon An American Indian -
Pour Orpheus


Monday, December 18th, 2023

Possible Ands


Sunday, December 17th, 2023


Pond Bruise
- Probable Oceans -
Microbead Seeds - Botox Bloat - Plastic Surgery
Some Pollutions Float

* _______________ *

5  - bird into its night -
- skinny wish list?  she wanted more -
- liquid none -

Beehive Postures
- Harry Potter & Hermoine -
`Forever...I loved the way they danced...
1:22 Minutes Into The First Of The Seventh :
Round Nurture : Friends Remaining Mission True.`


Teddy Fibre
! Rudy Defames :  Every Poll Worker/Each American !
- As He Will Never Be Able To Pay -
: ReEnact Po0rHouse Penalties : Bring Back The Stocks :
Blue Collar Prisons
Penny Pension Trailer Park Retirement


Isis Romeo
- Me n' Monsoon Cherish? -
tit for tat - never gave back (one way relationship) - the tides not my fault

- Love Defense -


Monsoon Cherish

Infinity Pan
'Poisoning The Blood'
- Kindergarten Citizenship -
: 1-2-3 Years To Citizenship :
Red - Orange & Yellow Work Cards
Aking Pioneering :  Routing To Destination
: The Trick - Diverse & Impartial Review Board / Guidance Counseling :


Tether Nightspoon


Puppet Flesh
`--my thoughts descend to lust.
Many Everyways, so want to fuck you.
`Immigrants - Exigent & Indigent :   Don't care about race & genetic blood types long as dark of soul.

`Ye, let's let THAT in--Pet Terrorists;
Evils I may stroke.

`I Approve Of DDT--No Mention Of God [] A Any God []
His Holy Fervor Wholly Unto HimSELF

~ The S-elf '
THE Donald = HIMSelf

[Lead Singer Of The Flesh Puppets

Cowboy Stories
- Texas Schoolbooks -
- "Exactly As Happened!"
                    :  --An Impartial Observer -
~ PREVAILING :  True As The Wind Which Took You ~
* ________________ *

`The Trouble With Blood?  Sometimes Diamonds Like To Soul.`
- kill spills furrow blood -
- Tacit Naught - Twins Never To Meet -
exclamatory framed; it was a decisive posture
Saturday, December 16th, 2023

Crustacean Curmudgeon
Tea Party Echos of Boston Harbor (250 Years Yore)
- Freedom Caucus -
- Premiss Set in Fallow Ground; T'was A Stunted Seedling -
[Akin Poland's Law & Justice; When So UnAptly Named;
Merely Shadows Projection]


Similie Thimbles
`Witty as twit--your smart mouth, backed by a cretin brain.`

* ________________ *

- sky clear as torn -
- dark as fate -
convenience rarely works that way
fast as scar; never could get past

Nudge Homeward
- Making Regrets -

* _______ *

- Opaque As Need -
(Ghosts IN Parenthesis)
: Ticket To Tide : In Care Of The Moon :
- motion lingering; memory -

Heartbeat Rosin
- drowning in persuaded -
January Sevenths

* ________________ *

- tidy regrets; yesterday's stitches -
~ love in a tide ~
`Broke my heart in apart.  --it's two, miss you.`
- Raine Memory -

Money Comes


Menacing Heavy Load
Botched : The Russian Investigation Valueless / Fails To Find :
- smooth as collusion -
O  Treasonous Balls  O
! "Vote For Menacing Heavy Load!" !
- Putin Still His Supporter -
* _________________ *


Tidbit Whimper
- Pissant's Holiday :  A Short Story -
'It Happened One Weekend'

* ________________ *

- The Indignity Of Wastes :  The Human Condition (Is So Animal) -
soft feral pack; his teeth clomped
1 + 2 = 4 :  Past Budgets
- Working From A State Of Realm -

Friday, December 15th, 2023

Date Pinwheel
`Weird odd is half a dime;
tails turns to heads at a whim.`

~ Spiral Vixen Spins ~


Thursday, December 14th, 2023

Nudge Homeward
`Paved Gods _____ for easy access.`
- Parking Lot Devotees -

* _____________ *

`Gone as you, too blues...`
'Married To Tears'
ruins of fate blackened
`--went into yesterday, fast alone.`
kisses gone wrong
'Figments Alone'
'Teardrop Apart'
'StillThen' :   `--turn away, yesterday's too late.`
/  - the bottom line time - /
:  roses die when dead  :
5    half-left; doors askance
playing with the emotion of form

Monday, December 11th, 2023

Apples Duewise
`Sun & The Moons...Ever Twains Must Meet.
:  Pink & Powder Blue Half-Jump Suits  :
: Keep Babies Double Pure :
Conscious & UnConscious
Turn Inside Out & Dominant Colours Reverse.`

* _____________ *

- grunion lumpy; her forehead beetled -
- time caught a moment, and made it true -
5   shadows shape mortal
5   the bottom line time
- Too Blues - `...break your heart into anyways.`
'Natural Rapture'
'Niagara Manhattan'
`--grass is greener, in another's dreams.`
...dying on yesterday's time.
`--turn away, yesterday's too late.`
- fallen in style, half interlude -
Valentine  `...come closer than maybe, be my baby.`

Sunday, December 10th, 2023

Eternal Teaparty
- Lipstick Traces On Teardrops -
`...wore the memory to yesterday.                                
It wasn't the same as again,
had it ever    
                           truly been.`
~ Potential Scenarios ~

Name Me
- walking lightly as dewdrops -

* __________________ *

- hard as scars; experience friends -

Saturday, November 9th, 2023

Baby Pie
Pussy Muff
'One Of Baby Pie's Nickname'

* ______________ *

;  rigorous dawn; shoulders stevadore
- Ghosts In Reconcile -
broken kitten; tamed caress
god awful often; her art output was frequent
Detective :  flushed clues running faster

Spectrum Patio
- the old days are yesterdays -

- sun setting on its upon                         
                         hide away nightfall -
'Prosody'   wind pushed me sin,
found it in my way
`...again, when you mentioned my heart.`
' Why Always'
`...while discarded babies burn in perect hells.`
- mine on mine, lips kissing nothing -
laughing cold
- but part of tymphany -
- the pipe before the outlet :  Basilisk Playpen -
- Faith Based Fate -
- Ghosts On Parole -
- ashes & trysts / no always ones -
every heart best, only yours
dawn opened upon - love in a tide
shaping stealth in become/ inside possible nights/mights
`...anytime yesterday, remember you gone away.`
- The Editor Of Guns -
__ Roaming The UnderWorld Of Nod ___
- casting a fossils tears, in memory of stone -

Crewcut Passion/Limmerick Spaceship
- Pre Mike Johnson Era -
ZeroOne :  Analog Analogy : The Repubs Are One Digit
Short Of A Leader :
Mime Congress - Sans Speaker
UnEven Film - DRIVE IN :  Wobbly As The Second Feature


Painted Mortals
:  Looking At The Module, While Making The News  :
Helicopter Gyro ~ Elwood Jetson Curls


Diamond Steel!
- Faith & Fortitude -
Robust As Grandma's Tea
][ Do Good Work ][

                                                      [World Politician :  Secretary Of Labor]


Saint Augustine's Navel
Inset Incest :  Viable Baby - w.out Human Concern
- Every Male Miscarriage - A Loss Of Baby Jesuses -
! Save Our Male Zygotes !


Friday, November 8th, 2023

Teagarden Leaves
- your moon for the price of a pearl -
: straight maintenance :  alter appearances ghosting self :

* ____________ *

- rubble mire -
- the bone in the river -
UnWashed Fodder - Seed Terrorists :  Immigration
- The Squat Dumpling -
:  Straight Maintenance  :
* many forgings, one life *
eyes that alive; all the way subsume
- flesh on teh shallow/swallow, adorning the breath of throat -

Hopi Yogi
`Feet pedestalling fallow; walking loam...Karmic Host.`
`Fire on the varnish, insulating the walls.`

* _________________________ *

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[Characters Alone Responsible For Their Opinions : We Can Not Vouch For Their Individual Souls.]
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Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited :
Temporally Original Hashtages Shall Be ReNamed : BookMarks & Reserved
For Chalkboard Graffiti.Com ||
* Previous Twitter Montages