Twitter Montages
Cyber Diary Of The Alone Orphanage ; etcs.
Most Recent Tweets Atop; Or  Scroll To The Bottom & Read 'The Historical Dailies' Upwards.

Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

______ . . ______
Tuesday, May 19th, 2020

Goody Kind
`Nancy-WancyMyTrump is not MORBIDLYOBESE!
Six Foot Three, 243 Muscled Pounds & All Man--John Wayne would be
proud to have him as a Son!


Apples Duewise
`Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana : Rallying The Weenies!
What About The Woosies.?
Left Behind In 2020.`

Blood Martyr
* False Data *
Rebekah Jones fired by Florida's Department Of Health Because
She Wouldn't Fudge Her COVID-19 Portal.
[Since Biblical Times Man Has Called Upon Woman To Manipulate.]


Monday, May 18th, 2020

Liaison Velour
* Date Night *
`My man, he'll come with a heartbeat on.`


Crewcut Passion/Limmerick Spaceship
* Don't Do It! *
"What the hell do you have to lose?"
`Your life & Our chance to kick your martyrless ass in November!`


Chilly Winklemeir
`Not content w/ making campus life safer for sexual deviants;

Betsy DeVos 'The Voucher Queen' Funnels Bailout Money
To Private & Religious Schools...
The Separation Of Sanity & Fairness.`


Coffin Crops
* Fat With Graft *
`Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo's A Vesuvius About To Pop!
Oh, Oh Omen...57 Die 40 Years Ago Today When Mt. Saint Helens Blew Up.`


Children's Wallpaper
* Opportunity *
`We should blow postage on that draft soon...wanna
get published before time happens.`

                                                                                        --Children's Wallpaper

Call Escrow
`I'm tired of being excited.`


Cocoa Oak
`--you need to bust his egg.`

* ____________ *

Chocolate Marshmallow
`Light coating diamonds, every time I see a good movie I want to be alive.`
* Next One *


Cantos Porcupine
DJ   'Ensign Of The Grooves'
`Standing In A Time That's Yours.`


Cuke Nuclear
`So nervous, as approaching The Greatest Recession...kept wanting to
eat the copper pennies.`

My Own Little Piggy Bank ... To Cushion The Fall

Sunday, May 17th, 2020

Monsieur Von Due
`I can be a Queen Bee in a male way & that's rare.`


Longform Holiday
`Phyllis George, Jimmy The Greek & Fred Biletnikoff...
When Sports Was Pure.`


Saturday, May 16th, 2020

Maiden Webben
* Cake Arrogance *
`We have eaten yours too...`

PostNote:  Fair Portions?!

Angel Knives


Merciless Evil
* Friday Night Massacre *
`Another Government Watchdog Fired
& Replaced By Innocent Eyes : Pocket Polliwogs.`

Nobilous Morrow
* MLK *
:   beyond riflefold


Eggshell Coracle
`Born to gather more lights, I am a baby diamond ripening.`


Earth Annapolis/Are Star
`Dear God, tired of waiting; change me to now.`


Eternal Teaparty
Aspiration  `Growing old enough to die with grace.`


* ___________________ *

* Running For The World *
`Vote Tyronne Union Star Power : A World Politican For The Ages
--Not Just Tomorrow, Yesterday or Now.`
`If we're not already it; too late.`
`Time to be a shark, no more pudding.`
`Talents?  One of the world's best kissers, when it comes to everything but butt.`
`Anyone who does.`
hands on every wand; destiny went alive
dj   `Fresh new--hit, play me 'til I'm yesterday.`
Dreams rich as life.

Edgeless Window.s
`Dorothy's Ourselves.`



Friday, March 15th, 2020

daydreamer without paperweight


Totally Fine Fesque IV
* White House Screening Of Scooby Doo *
`Super-Duper Warp Speed!`


Once Everywhere
Beyond fashion, he wears his skin.
stitch the inlay


* North Carolina Senator *
`Burr.  Brer Rabbit Is The Tar Baby!`
(We Have Met Him & He Is Us)
We Are Back!



Thursday, March 14th, 2020

Secret Mixes
`Someday I'll lose weight & earn more gravity.`


Sans Too
* Congressional Scuffles *
ongoing scat

* __________________ *

history kisses me inside
'Inner Soles'  `...lose your shoes to dance.`
`I'm straight as oats, yet I've got some Rx energy.`
`The planets never come that way, other than you.`
`I've taken a vow of poverty, & I earned that.`
L's & S's Merge Meet Cursive
`--due prove.`
Epilogue:  `I want to go out clean as lightning.`
it is a puddle/puzzle dyslexia
touched the lion like he was crown
I know how to compose sight.
`There is always redemption, if you become real.`
`If we're not timeless, we're getting old.`
Director  `I know how to compose sight.`

Smoky Eros Quartz
`New York's Apple, I'm Eden.`


dj  `--rock the curl!`
`May breathe be as it will...`
formal as interlude

Wednesday, March 13th, 2020

Spectrum Patio
* Pseudo Science Men *
`Devils modest as pitchforks.`


Rue a la Mode
`Once Fallen, Bananas Don't Bother To Bounce.`

                                                                                       --Rue a la Mode

Round Nimbus
`Tied my head on my heart, but nothing fit...half life love.`

* __________________ *

`Why would you do that?  because I can & want wants to do, what it wants.`
Scene:  Carnage stands fast; having already passed.
Spiders Asp
seismic endorsement
`Tickets to God?  Will he let you ride?`
`Cannibals rarely resort, to fish sticks & greens.`
`Wisp o' will fiction.`

`Missing pendulum, cuckoo can't clock.`


Tuesday, March 12th, 2020

Pillage Burn
`Fire isn't fire...'lest molten.`  Gal Gadot

                                                                                          --Pillage Burn
* ______________ *

Pique Nickels
"We have met the moment, and we have prevailed."

`But the moment was fleeting & others took it's place...
the flag was left behind, supplanted
...Mission Accomplished?!`


Monday, March 11th, 2020

* Story Start *
Our town was too small for an ice cream truck but it did have
a river & bluffs & beings.
The mean ones lived in the woods.
In the mornings, the wise children never picked berries
until long after the dew had dried.

Few came out with water on their toes.


Name Me
* Lysol Cures All *
`To get rid of a wart, find a witch penny & rub it on the bump.`

                                                                        --Name Me
* _________ *

`Come true or lie...`
Presidential Prescence :  `Less is more, you owe the world your paucity.`

Infinity Pan
Scientific Facts Hiding In ... The Far Corner Of Nowhere


Bedouin Cardinal
Early Reopening?! :  `Quitting At Halftime & Claiming Victory.`


Twist Prescriptions
ADM : The Face Of Mutation
Archer Daniels Midland : Where Accidents Grow.

* _____________ *

`Every Ring, Needs A Spiral Leader.`
`Petals Of Enigma, Sheathes Of Denial.`
`Fairy Tales & Lost Glories.`
To Be A Nurse?  `Either my heart is too small, or brittle...grinchy little.`

Buck Nightwing
$150,000 Ladies Man :  suave as pus


Sunday, March 10th, 2020

Bump Rotundo
* Election Platform *
`Porta Potty...Hunkered Down On Nothing.`


* ________ *

Admonition : `Sunny from the get go, so get going!`
vaguely telling; mixed dawn

Corner Chips
Stacey Abrams : Sassy Truth


Almond Bayou
`Football & The Stock Market Seem To Go Together--
Better Than Baseball & Apple Pie.`


Saturday, May 9th, 2020

Shadow Beautymark
`Masks On, Masks Off ...
Michael Bowen & Prestige Ameritech Not Allowed To Make 79 cent N-95
Masks For America.`


Friday, May 8th, 2020

Tether Nightspoon
`In the olden days, olden was real.`


Painted Mortals
`May You & Your Death Star Campaign Take The Fifth...
As The Force Never Will Be With Evil You.`


Pirate Guillotined
`Looked like a burglar?
You Two Are Dynastic Georgian Tag Team Murderers.`


* __________________ *

`Monkey See, Monkey Obey, Monkey Do.`
`Honey West!?  You are only immortal if you last three years.`
`Your cutting edge?  Yesterday's knife.`
`Starlight turns to most ancient moon if not opened to sunlight.`
`What happens in the morning, steeps 'til evening.`
Foreground machinations hiding in the background.
Fatal Wagon  `Tickets to God?!  Will he let you ride?`
`The music stops, when we won't listen.`

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020

Current Guise
* Lost Brands *
`What happened to Alpo?
Killed by The Soul Of A Wolf...Pampered Pooches.`


50th Earth Day Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020
* ____ *

Morgue Tunes
The Armour Of War, To Hide Your Sins.


* _________________ *

`The pitter-patter of Hob-Nobs riding to the rescue on Hobby Horses.`
Fools delve in meant to be hidden truths.
`Prune Decision : The White House Must Be Cleansed.`  --Pit Fruition
Hands wrapped in soft, sly mittens quitting cold; & when the fire
was old as scones, the boys made toast with marmalade.
Knee deep in feet; not in touch with the world.

Tuesday, April 21st, 2020

Roman Catacombs
* Bent Insignia *
Presidential Seal
A small god very much in love with himself.


Cut (Love) Jewel
`The Last Clue, is the one that's not true.`

`The moon baby fates the egg...`
* ________ *

'Make Up? Card`
`I'm sorry, but yesterday's still alive.`
`What are looking for?  Ghosts with skin...`

Monsoon Cherish
`Mermaid replete, content as a seal.`

* ___________ *

warm puppy in danger syndrome
`A lot of life is about before; you don't just get to start over
every time your smile pretends to be true.`
`Pretty soon the hyenas will malform.`
Cicero giving birth to Shelob.
`The Attic Of America & the Basement of Time.`
'Pour Portent' 
DJ :  `The mix of now.`
`Get your personals & put them on.`
`With the swizzle in the middle.`
`On top of the hop!`
`Double Gemini & A Half Moon.`
`Vingeroons & scorpions...never leave the bedspreads on the Floor.`
tiff demons
Author Of God
 Topnotch Offered : `Would you like to touch my ponytail?`
`Not until you are samuri.`
Agnes  `She's spinning  so fast the girl beneath her doesn't exist.`
`All I can guess is he's got a planet in your funnybone.`
`To anyones eyes only.`
'Investigative Things'
`--almost tomorrow, it's time to find out what happened to yesterday.`
`No day is done, if it leaves a memory.`
the moss on wishes pointing north
`Tears for, all the construed.`
* Cocoon Cavern *  `Spinning out of incipiency's matrix.`
`Something kilter wrong with me.
In between innings, it isn't real.`
DJ  `Every night's an ingenue.`
`Thin walls, we can hear pubis whispers.`
`Plenty of time for forever, if it's still now.`
`No, I hate hats.  The last cap I wore was in little league.`
`We're all near the end of childhood someday.`

Passing Shards/Superheroes Spacegun
* 1968 : Chargers/Raiders In A Third Quarter Shootout *
`When you are a twelve year old boy,
thunderbolts & pirates are just as attractive.
Whover won, would be my team forever.`

* ___________ *

`Rocking Of Hinge; Witness Spillover.`

Monday, April 20th, 2020

Whisper Wishes
`Love to dust, no surprise...so blue, making believe God's still alive.`

* ________ *

Smaug with his coloured pencils.
`Ever, there's not that many chances.`
Italian Mafia   'Planning Bones'
`I'm dyslexic with women.`
Empty Antique Food Packages For Company :
The Blue Of Ronzoni; Brightness Of Sun Maid...Morton Salt & Creamette
`Happen is the action you need!`

Spider Blues
* dj *
`If the heat is hap, it's happening.`
`Clue the groove!`
kitten giddy  (scritchy)


Moonrise Ephemerides
* 1960's Stewardess *
`The Lady Baltimore's Packed With Go!`

* __________ *

`Are we almost play, or just live pretend?`

Friday, April 17th, 2020

Corporate Bondage
`If Jesus Christ Died, It Was For His Own Sins.`


Friday, April 17th, 2020

Target Stardust
No Truth Inside : Only a wishing well...which woud not tell.`


SkillSet & Approaching Limbo : A Pair Of Trapping Guards

Squirt Liturgical

`In Lord tRump We Trust...His Personal Checks.`

* ___________ *

Sophmoric Philosophy
Innocent as God
`The World Goes By...Slow As Minds Eye.`
`Dying Memories : Ghosts & Gods Fade Away.`
Que Tip : Curled up, in my curlicue dreams.`
`The Guggenheirm : Masterpieces Tasting God.`
The Fate Of Atrophy
"Yes."  "No."  "Yes."  "No."  "Yes."  "No."  [Argument Without Flair]
[You said what I said, & I said it.]
Old Woman Halcyon
`God skipped out, on Man's mission.`
`Timeward On...always a step away, from the next step.`
`Will o'the wisp messaging; nothing beyond ephemeral.`

Flat Metabolism
`They don't want to tell you, where the world ends.`


Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

`I can't remember, how forever used to be.`
FeatherQuill : `I got the line & tried to assign it.`
`From kindergarden to Masters Degrees & PhDs...to move
beyond the tomorrows.`
`I knew if I slapped the black pillows together Cinderella would
appear.  Or Robert Mitchum.`
`My navel against forever.`


Tuesday, April 14th, 2020

The Snake's Waistcoat
* Goebbles Clone *
`Bookending His Rosegarden Fiasco...
Easter Monday Presser Completing
Descent Into Nadir.`

                                                                               --The Snakes

Coy Poignant
`Lost...those days before the olden days.`


Dumpling Hunchback
"I never liked shaking hands...maybe shaking hands is dead.
I don't know..."  (I'll Miss It Not)

PostNote : `Yea,you hope it dies...as eye to eye handshakes,
require a promise of truth.`


Eros Hiroshima
* Health Vs. Economy *
`The Upside Down Fork !`

* _______ *

  New Codger In A Nursing Home :
`You know, that girl, I thought I hated her ... but I like her.`

Monday, April 13th, 2020

Corporate Bondage
* Pierpoint & Carnegie *
`The Gilded Age...Never Went Away.

* ____________ *

Hush Puppy
* Lost Brands *
`What Happened To Alpo?
Killed By OverWealth & The Soul Of A Wolf.`


* Intaglio

Friday, April 10th, 2020

Bedouin Cardinal
surrogate honest, betting on a cloudless summer

* _______ *

inclusive neuter
used as face, it was hers
chill in the impersonal
flourish query
chasing dormant
apparent as variable
encroching gaudy, she wore her breasts like earrings

Tuesday, April Seventh, 2020

`Too many aftermaths & not enough tomorrows...` Natty moaned,
puddling woe.


Angel Echoes
* Red States Die Too *
`Rural Hospitals Bankrupt By Clearing Dockets Too Soon :
Elective Costs.`

The Strategy Of Strategizieing : Outhinking Nothing


Snap Axel
`Invisible ghosts raising the alarm, Virused Captain.
...too naive to truth.`


Rue a la Mode
* Religious Pretense *
`Don't Lie To God w. Your Uneven Prayers                         
                                                      --Never Your Mother;
                                                                               Don't Petition The Virgin Marry.`

PostNote: White House Halo ?  May doG Bless Amerika.

                                                                                           --Rue a la Mode

PM Atom
* Tardy On The Uptake *
`The Visible Enemy Is You...

`Toilet Paper Futures...Shadows deep as seeming.`
                                                                  --PM Atom

Parasol Ending
* Maiden At Forty *
`Sixteen seems so long ago; candles unsown.`

                                                     --Parasol Ending

Marionette Me
* 'Do Not Speak Evil Of The Dead!" *
`Wish he was still alive, so I could tell the truth.`


Sunday, April Fifth, 2020

Wind Ornament
* World On Fire *
Spring Break On The Florida Beaches = The Danzig Corridor
PM Hospitalized : The Queen Urges British Resolve
In The Face Of World War III.



Friday, April Third, 2020

Sonora James
* Hobby Lobby *
`Instant Suspension Without Pay!
`? Your moral compass for Godly Goods.  May they never reopen!`

(Yet Jesus & The Ignorant Choose To Smote Corona Beer!)


Steppingstone Derby
* The best thing since...? *
`Sliced Bread made us lazy!`

`Post World War II ... we no longer know how to save, scrimp & sacrafice.`
* _________ *

`The uneasy truth?  A thousand times a liar, always a liar.`
`My Currrent Energy Level?  Snake in the sun digesting a mouse.`

                                                              --Humdrum Buzzy

Thursday, April 2nd, 2020

Pond Bruise
* Empathy *
 Awkward As Carrion, At Own Feasting.

                                                                      --Pond Bruise

Pinpoint City


April Fools Wednesday, 2020

Nudge Homeward


Windows Marry
* April Fools *
the night abandoning all pretense of dawn


Tidbit Whimper
* Mike Pence *
small as a worm, knowing when to cringe


Corporate Bondage
`The Devil's an ally, only when predictable.`


Big Head
* Amazon : Release The Drones *
`...the power of trodding, peasant mulch.`

                                       --Big Head
* _______________ *

sinous enclosed
bartering their little whims

Wind Ornament
`Pacified tears, belonging to the merely mortal.`


Star Satyr


* ________ *

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Characters Alone Responsible For Their OpinionsWe Can Not Vouch For Their Souls.
||  Original Hashtags & Characters & Content Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited ||
*Previous Twitter Montages