Twitter Montages
Cyber Diary Of The Alone Orphanage ; etcs.
Most Recent Tweets Atop; Or  Scroll To The Bottom & Read 'The Historical Dailies' Upwards.

Best Viewed Big Screen : Theatre Darkened

_____ . . _____
Wednesday, December Seventh, 2022

Japanese Aircraft Carrier
- The 81st Anniversary Of Pearl Harbor -
`UnWonted Aggression :  Russia Could Have Learned...
49 Senators Should Desist In Attacking Voting Rights--The Supreme Court
From Gerrymandering Freedoms.`


Cantos Porcupine
- Butchering The Runts -
- Tears Royale` -

* ____________ *

- UnLimited Local -
'Tales Of The Topping'

Stone Pavillion
- January Never'ed : Lame Duck House -
`UnWonted; Shadows Clear As Day, Evidence Ignored.`

* ____________________ *

crafted by passion
- North Lies Due West -
- cold as smoke, all the fire gone out -

Dandelion Egos
`Egocentric Insidious--Carte Blanche Is The Golden Rule/
Allows One To Treat Others As Self--
Tailored Exclusive Beliefs--Their Reap Cast Upon Selfish Waters/
UnTrue Biblical Hearts
{Preying Jesus Upon Another}


Delia Tie
- Significant Gods -


Menacing Heavy Load
! If-When !
`Monkey Trial?  Negroes--Man's Direct Link To Beast.
We Are All Mammals--But Some Are Humans.`
- White Nationals -
][ The Pure Are God's Holy ][


- The Bad Part Of Heart : Fallen From Mothers Breast & Half Way To Hell -
:  UnWonted Font  :


Dinky Harbinger
`Shallow To Your Very Soul!
`Oh, Just Go Away--
You & The Half-Ass Divot You Call Your Hole.`

* ______________ *

`Egregious Incitement:  A Constant State Of Hate Breaking The News:
Nursing Eggs Of Aggrievement - Rupert Fox Amidst Roosting Pullets.`

Gingerbox Jumpseat
- Secrets Shared -

                                                                  --Ginger B.
* ______________ *

(EVIL Self Reflection)  `God was the way.`
`The East Side Of Nowhere.`
Proposal :  `The Road Shall Be True, As long As It Is...
We, Me & You.`
The Annonymous Nature Of God
Mother Earthe :  Forrestry :
- On Big Picture Science -
Not A Mono Culture :  A Mother Tree
- Sunday Told -
`Beatnik Sins...aren't you quant.
Let's get modern & do it two ways!`
Eternally Tardy...Willy-Nilly Aftermath/Ever Reacting
- Little Cause--Mostly Effect -
Sans Oracle  `Closed OMens....Which Not Even Delphi Could Reveal.
Impenetrable Destinies
`Eventual Regret...Every Path Turns.`
- Clubfoot Holiday -
- Summer Requite :  `The Summer For...Of Nights.` -
- Pinoccchio's Hoax -
`You took your pen, but not your Promise.
Moment Unsaid.`

Tuesday, December Sixth, 2022

Amanita Pesquita

`The Moors Conquer Spain Yet Again!`
- Reverse Colonialism -
[] Goalie Cojones []
( African World Cup )

* ________ *

- --quite the circus; handy enough for crackerjacks -

Marionette Me
- Dissed -
`Of Troglodyte Stock--Parentage Apparent.`
`So Empty--Your Noggin Would Not Be Included In A Head Count.`


Book Velvet
[circa 1935] : Antique Monopoly Money As BookMarkers/
- ScrapBook Saved : BookWorm Book Reports -
_ Finishing Date / (# Of Times Read) / Rating _


RIP Womb
Precious Sins :  Immortal Incest
- GodSons -

- God's Kin -


Rigolette Cotille
'Innocent Lies'
`Too Oblique To Straight!  See How My Eyebrows Arch?!`

* ________ *

The Shady Land Of Conscience

- The East Side Of Nowhere -
: (Little Effort Or Skimpy Inspiration) :  General Delivery -
[] Post Harry Potter ][
`Lackadaisical Crap--Not Her Best Efforts!
(In It For The Cash?!)
- But Then Again :  Expectations Impossible -


Deeds Gun
- Boy's Vendetta -
[] Bad Guy Taken In []
`Hands Up Bub, Or These Polished Wooden Pistols Are Gonna
Shoot More Than Sound!`


Such You
`Who?  Such You?  Who Cares--
PeaPod Eyes--All Orientals Look Alike To Me.`

* ____________ *

-  scarred eyes which have seen too much history  -
`--cold as now, I feel your brrr!`
`Before it is Forever, you must begin.`
Movie Critic :  `Endless Nice, about 100 minutes too long.`
Beachfront Dreams...building back lesser homes.
Tomorrow Florida in North Dakota.

Pirate Guillotined
- Incarnations Random? -
`Each Breath Born, The Perfect Size For Life.`


Attic Grandma
`Monkey Puzzle Hazzard--Getting Old!  A Small Mammal
More Clever Than Me.`

* ____________ *

`One Way Then Back, The Train Goes Miles & Miles
In One Direction...One Way Tracks.`
`An Indictment Of Form & Linearity--Never Fully Written.`
- a dream of once upon which will never happen again -

God Anon
- The Other Side Of Heaven :  Where Hell Abounds -

* _____ *

Tortellini Aperitif
`Every Diner Moment Is Not Magic Instantaneous--Please Curb
Your Pocket Penis.`
- (Recording Artistic Calories) -


Noe Immortal
- Kow-Tow Genuflect? -
`Itchy Knees....(I'm) Not In With God, Currently.`


Monday, December 5th, 2022

Nicolet Cottles
: Faceless Crown :
- The Heart Of Democracy -
Everyone's Eyes:
A Nation Of All Souls



Terra Box Nouveau
`--your halo so impure (such a big mortal hole).`

* ______________ *

Eggshell Coracle
- Sunlight Crumbs--Scudding Clouds A Fit For Moods. -
[The gloomy two walked, hand in hand; sunset impure.]
- Tiptoe Trepidation's -


Flesh Equator
`Fatuous ass!`

* ____________ *

Hodgepodge Fatty
'Shape Excess' -  A Polite Term For The Overweight/Obese Aphorism
- O  -  Adipose Plus  - O -


Overarching Intent
- High Hand -
Citizens United :  Corporate Voices Tailored To The Dollar
:  Lobbyist Friends  :  Freedoms Salesmen  :  Sin Holding The Leading Hand  :

* ____________ *

Mortal Breath :  God's Shot Clock

Twist Prescriptions
`Yesterday no more real than shadows of
- Be In The Now (Faceted By Pasts) -


Sunday, December 4th, 2022

Baby Pie
- In Her Primitive State -
: Remote Safari / The Hemmingway Experience :
`There Is No Big Game Hunting  On An Ant Farm.`


'Bigger Than The Constitution:  Ignor.Ance :  Continually Stirring Up
The Hive Of Idiocy
- Freedom Patriots Ignoring The Elephant In The Room -

Orphan Lady III
- To The Fifth Ward Of TimeDreamers -
`Existing Carousels ... Are Not The Only Playgrounds.`

                                                              --OL III

Round Nimbus
- Semi Searching...For A Round -
: Lost In A Half Side Of Nowhere :
O  - Completeless Whole -  O


* _____________ *

incipient as swans; sex her soft dissolve
- Non Desirables -
- Lonely Beware :  A Flower Girl Doll -
- The End Of Qualms -
- Smokeless Clues -
common as croup
- The End Of Qualms -



`Each Soul A Microcosm Of God--First Breath Replicates
Life On The Front Lines Of Fate.`

- Lethal Life:  Animation Comes With Breath -


- Ghosts Propose :  The Status Quo -


Puppet Flesh
`EnFamile?  Incest X-Mas--You Don't Want The Frankincense Making Myrrh!`  

* ________________ *

Her Flowers Petal Honest
gazing like a bug; midge myopic;
politics at a lesser immediate scale
- My Favorite Incarnation -
lethal life, animation comes with breath

Schoolboy's Sorrow
XV :  A Woman's Navel Is The Devil XV :
- Dust Original Sin -
: 8 Infinity Split -


Married Miss Trite Overload
- Stars Arrange In Divinity -

* _______ *

- Crumbling Sums :  Crypto Emergency -
:  Non-Desirable  :

Secret Mixes
- Uncle Jemima :
Master Of The Kitchen/King Of Domestic Abuse -

: Wedding Band Immortal : Two Carrots True :
: Vote For Him & His Proactive Jewels :
Hershel :
-  Increasing The Populace Of  Punching Bag Abortables -

* ____________ *

- My Favorite Incarnation -


Saturday, December Third, 2022

(Experience Woman Coaxes Boy Ingenue)
`Come on 'You Rapid Scamp'--sure there's another shot in you!`

* ___________________ *

- Tides Agree :  Political Polls Show Dewey -
[Truman Too Short]
Freedom HOPES
`Waking Up Night To Let Some Memories Walk In...
Thinking About You & We, Again As Again.`
`With you, love but a fraction of destiny.`

Bedouin Cardinal
- `God Never Alibis--Poorly Worded Memories;
Dice Rattled Shaken Roll [:] Fate Bricking Destiny.` -
`Mortal Decorations...Adorning Religious Hopes;
Spirit Absolved Of Quest By Blind Fate.`
- `Excess Kiss/Darkness Scrum--Forever Dealing In What Becomes.
Gods ReArranged.`
* _________ *

- Mischief Cavalier -
`--onward Bunky!  There's Sins To Proove--Devilish Proof.`


Emmett Till :  Upon Visiting The South From Chicago,
Mother's Advice:  " small down there."
Shades Of 'The Jack Johnson Syndrome'.
'Self-Analysis':  `I'm 11.6% Schizophrenic--Guaged As Of
Yesterday Eve.`

Demons & Lollipops
- Palm(e) Caste :  Mortal Fate Allowed -

* __________________ *

Ignore.Ance :  Elephant Never Allowed EnRoome
The Drama Of Trauma?  Old Hat Today As Yesterday.
New Suns.

Cuke Nuclear
Boy Confide :  `That PlayGround Girl?
                                            Loose as a slide--she's some easy snatch.`
* _______ *

`Dirty mean...why can't you be nice to me?`
- first breath fitting into alive -
- Paintbox Lives -
- heart jumping into hurt -

Earth Annapolis
- Propagation Of Love -
: Change Of Season Ritual : Eve's Cornucopia Dance : Autumn's Nest :
Maidens Use Purple Flag Flower (Dried) Rattles To
Kindle Winter Into Spring Births
- Enticement Stamen Dance -
June Wedding ONLY If Child Ensues


Earthe Acropolis

Merciless Evil
- `God's Addendum :  Won't Bother To Evolve, With
Your Human Condition.` -
Learn Your Lesson & Move On  :
* _________*

Radio Barrister
Big-10 Championship Game
Endless Replays:  Momentums Killed--Unwatchable Sports Slayed By Technology.
- Float Your AM Radio : A Background Music Flowing & Less Attendant Demanding -
Continual (Overbearing) Coitus Interruptus
- Non Coy Commentary / Why Bother With Flow


The Orphan Lady III
<>  Existing Carousels :  Not The Fifth Wards Only Playground

                                                                      --Orphan Lady

God Anon
- Saturday Night :  Tomorrow Lies -
`Sumdays...?  Your Holy Sabbaths?
- Only God Rests From Human Concerns.` -

[] `Then You Are Really--MY Playground.` []


Twist Prescriptions
- EnGrave -
`Admission Missing...Guilt Taken To Next Life.`


Friday, The Second Of December, 2022

Children's Wallpaper
`Seven Devils Cast Out Of Mary Magdalene...
Was She Even, Ever Virgin...Ever Again?`
- Born Agains Don't Count -
`Dust, Rust & Was--Now Is For Be.`
][ Karmic Puzzles Destiny ][


Hipflask Silver
`Killing Time, I Drink Lots Of Water At The Bar.
Upon Regaining My Stool, A Scotch Jigger
w. a Drambuie Snit Is My Habitual Toss.`


Saint Augustine's Navel
`My Teacher's Needs'
- Daydream Fantasies -
`My Teacher, Mrs. Robinson Wants Me...To Be,
Boy Consort.

`Her Most Favorite of Pupils, Most Special Pet Toy.
I Am The Apple In Her Eye, Snake Of Her Eden.

`Devil Dues...She Loves To Pretend Mary,                           
                                           I Often The Male Magdalene.`

                                                              --Saint Augustine's Navel
- Indelible Always -

* ____________ *

- Borne Upon The Edge Of Requite :  Non Orgasmic -
The Semblance Of Gasp/Death Had Choked Out Response.
- Lemming Swell -
`Does Doesn't...cut my mustard.`
- quiet as paint -
`Cunt'cho doin'?  Bitch!`
- Seasons Paroled -
- The Casual Carnivore -
`Sobriquet Naught...Never Popular Enough To Earn A Nickname.
- Indifference -
- ScatterWorld Shoes -
`Alone Private Idaho...Tired Of It Being That Way So Long.`
Shooting Once Upon Memories Down w. Everyday Life.

Gingerbox Jumpseat
`Don't Wanna All Be...All Old.
Woe is me...where was, where is? Childhood's CandyLand?`

                                                             --Ginger B.

Francinsense Buffalo
- Secret Keys To Death -


* __________ *

- Bottle Ghosts Who Liked To Borrow Your Soul...
Beware Of Pubs & BarStools. -
Welcome Fed: The Wicked Witch Consumer Hansel & Gretel
: Sympathetic Osmosis :

Milky Potpourri
- `Valiant Defense Of Evil Is Not Heroic :                             
                                            The Confederacy Was Borne That Way.` -

                                                                 --Milky (Wees)
                                                                [The Four-Fingered Catcher]
* ___________ *

October 18, 2022 :  `October Tried...But She Could Not Stave Off Winter.`
- Negaunee, Michigan -
- Her Wishes Unkempt Desires -
Truth Dissolved In Lies

Just Businessman
Living IN The Heart Of $; Moral Conscience Holds Little Sway.
Pocketbook Votes/Pocketbook Minds Holding Two Dimensional Love
--Hard As An Asps Flat--

* __________________ *

`Buffing Incarnations...Ever Onward.`
- Bookmarking Memories -

Transparent Gravities
October 21st, 2022 :  `Shooting Star Joins In Alien Flight.`

* ___________________ *

) silence stalking mood (

Thursday, The First Of December

Star Satyr
Ushering In December:  Venus Opposes Mars @ 12:28 AM:
Gemini 18* & Sagittarius 18*



Cameo Orbit


Miss Nomers
Non-LIFE :  Dead As The Window To Instead
- her tombs laid out 6' deep & 1/2 a mile wide -

* __________ *

small promises matter a great deal
`Memories shaded by light...turning time on cold.`
(time locked in its last o'clock) parked in limbo
ships decide, rudders hold - cargo souls

Hush Puppy
October Revisited (Two Moons Ago) :  Pork Barrel Packer Makes The News :
Missisippi Volleyball Daughters Of The Confederate-American Revolution
(Deserve) To Be Gifted With Welfare Slush
- Southern State Rights (Poor Cousins $ Hush Puppy Funds $):
--You Have The Right To Recieve A
Proportional Kickback Of The Federal Funds You Generate :
(A Lesser Share Of Military Bases)
- Hush & Desist! `
: The doGGod _ FINI :


Lessons Dominoe
                                       - Dumb As A Bunion - Stump Wisdom -


Gypsy Void & Spooky Waxings
`Evil Needs :  No Motive.`
- Why Bother With Immediate Rote--Reactionary NewsCasters Search? -
Who Cares?
The Ghost Of Ettiquette/Shadow Cavalier
: Hate Crime Trials Of Fait Accompli Should Apportion--Immediate Execution :
* ________________ *

- Cairn Charms -
`Lackadaisical Crap--Not His Best Effort.`

Woman Zulu
- The Second Wakanda -
`Cast Enthuse--Consummate Enthrall!`


Wednesday, November's End, 2022

Roman Catacombs
`There Is Only One God, One Jesus...But Every Soul Is Christ.`

* ___________ *

.`--you clutzy lump!`
- digitizing soul -
`Nothing Furhter To Say, Silent Words...
(A Lack of Demonstrarion)
[] Circa End Of September 2022 []
`Biblical Stuff?  Or Voodoo Revenge!  Are All Your
Christmas Ornament Purchased @ Holly Hobby?`
(Venezuelan Juju Revenge Flowing From Martha's Vinyard)
: Boomerang JuJu! :

Current Guise
`Comfort Close : Hades Wore Her Underwear...`
- The Gulf Of Mexico Five Degrees Warmer -
- November Nicole Nature's Hot Plate Spawn -
- So Cozy - Neptune Purged -


Egg Crash Coffin
The Sorely Used Mike Pence
'Testing The Waters'  :  chipmunk cherub; willing grin
- Q-Tip Schemes -
`Soft Hardness On Both Ends--Thou Duplicitious!`

                                                      --Egg Crash
* __________________ *

- Shadowbox Tears -

- Daily Vagaries - :  An Entry Diary
- Binary Celebration -
'Mosquito Squirt'
- At War With War :  Redundant Hate -
- Sturdy As Reeds -

Fiction Naturalized
- Cause & Effect, The Simple Force Of Man -
`Be Every Wary; Of Imps & Demons Willing To Loan Out Their Souls.`

* _______________ *

The Remedial Dead--Death The  Second Time Around
sugar disguised as harbor lights

Gene Misconstrue
`Son Of A Bitch Niche :  Master Bedroom, Or Mere Cubbyhole?


Rue a la Mode
Hershel Walker :  `Vote Token!  Robot Oreo Cream :
  - Straight Ahead & Ever Forward - Running 4 U! -
- (Tik-Tok Was Not Just A Metal Man From Oz) -
`He Is!!  H. W. :  King Of The Manikans ; Tick-Tock Wind Up!`
Tin Heart : Two (Proactive) Jewels
: Man Or Mannequin? :


Paintbox Shoes/Teddy Badlands
: Nature's Conservancies :
Smoky Bear's Smoking Rubble - Malformed Runts & Puny Litters
:  Sarcophagus Rent  :


Pigweed Dreams
- Anchored In Jesus :  Seven Day Sunday -

* _________________________ *

Rote Disclaimer || Fine Print   `Some More True Than Others; You Peruse.`
[Characters Alone Responsible For Their Opinions : We Can Not Vouch For Their Individual Souls.]
||  Comprising Everything : Original Hashtags & Characters & Content
Copyright By The Eleven Of Diamonds, Unlimited
For Chalkboard Graffiti.Com ||
* Previous Twitter Montages