World Politician 2020:  Presidential & Vice Presidential
Vote Write In:  Stay for the results...
Tyronne Union Star Power & Nicolet Cottles
[Perennially 10 & 7 years old when announcing their candidacies on All Saint's Day of 1999 A.C.]

Tyronne Union Star Power


Nicolet Cottles

Most of Tyronne's Cabinet has long been in place:

<>Teddy Fibre as Attorney General             AGAGAG

Teddy Fibre

dDitto Cruciform

dDitto Cruciform        Secretary of State                 ==========

Josef Mohawk     Press Secretary              A quick wit & naughty tongue,  that is sometimes too truthful.                '''''''''

Just Businessman:  Secretary Of Commerce  'Let the buyer beware?!  Let the seller be pure.'                       BBBBBB
______ ______

Chad Star Power                       Tyronne's older brother by two years;  his 12 year old Campaign Manager.
Overall Total                Chief of Accounting            88888888
Tail Penny       The Final Accountant                                  90090909090

Individual Serialized       Computer Drone.               &&&&&
Jet Bubbles                        Vice Presidential Advisor; Nicolet's oldest friend.             oooooo0
Cleopatra's Soul                                                    Spiritual Advisor         //////////

Isis Romeo          Cleopatra's Boyfriend             ???????

Los Angeles Oceans             Freelance Writer         !!!!!!!!

_____ ____

Pinpoint City          Freelance Writer        _______

Kismet Mortal        Sgt-At-Arms
Seven Egypts           
Kismet's Boyfriend          $$$$$

Book Velvet               Head Librarian          -------
Candycane Lattitude
        Book's Boyfriend          =====

Chocolate Marshmallow            Confectioner          ######

Nobilous Morrow       Futuristic Planning/In Charge Of Tomorrows          @@@@@

Totally Fine Fesque IV      Secretary Of The Interior          00000

Tether Nightspoon       Vacation Guide          %%%%%

Earth Annapolis/Are Star     In Charge Of Ideals     |||||
Spoken Sky
     Prophetess          !!!!!!!!


Spoken Sky
...One World, Each American A Star.
Vote Tyronne Union Star Power as Write In Presidential Candidate.
Nicolet Cottles his seven year old girlfriend as VP...
they've been running since All Saint's Day of 1999 A.C..

* Star, Sun & Moon as World Flag *
MOMENT AMMENDMENT   The Supreme Court must 'Align The Future With Tomorrow...'
Seniors in High School allowed to vote regardless of their age.
[Rush the Vote for Those Qualified...it's their world more than yours.]
  The Supreme Court: An American Decision By November First!
**  Tail Penny 'The Copper Penny' as 'The Spark Of Individual Soul'.
Tail is the last Jr. Accountant in Tyronne Union Star Power's Economic Bureau.
{Bureaus & Drawers Within Cabinets} Each Over Spiderwebbed Perfectly Enfold;
Tail is the Accountant of the Final Penny...Honesty's Girl.
